Walker finished his 15 miles run then headed home to bring his basketball before going to an outdoor court to complete the drills were given by the system.
After taking his basketball, he headed to the outdoor court named Hoops Doom.
Hoops Doom was a famous basketball court in Detroit that Walker usually watches pickup games when he started to play basketball.
The court was always packed with people watching these pickup games,it was a lot of fun, but as the years go by the court that was always packed with people, this well-known court now is abandoned due to the lack of care in addition to the appearance of new outdoor courts that could host more than one game.
This court was ideal for Walker right now because he needs it for performing his drills and individual training.
Walker starts his endurance drills after he finished the training he rested in the middle of the court trying to catch his breath.
'Damn it, I need to work out more due to my injury my endurance was decreased' said Walker to himself while catching his breath.
[Host, you should work harder, your endurance is weak, and I think that you couldn't play a full quarter of a basketball match] said the system
« I know, I will work hard, what should we start with shooting drills or ball handling drills, » said Walker
[Take a 10 min break first then we are going to start with the shooting drills ] replied the system
After a 10 min break,
« Okay I'm good to go now, »said Walker
[The first drills to improve your shooting is 5 spot shooting drill] said the system
« 5 spot shotting drill how that work, » said Walker
[there are 5 lines (LB,RB,LW,RW,M),and this the distance on each shot
- Spot 1: 4 Feet
- Spot 2: 8 Feet
- Spot 3: 12 Feet
- Spot 4: 16 Feet
- Spot 5: 20 Feet
The host should make a shot from spot 1,2,3,4 & 5 in 5 consecutive shots for you to advance to the next line.
And if you miss from any of the spots, you start over from line1.
And If you miss a shot in line 3, you start over from line 3 You don't go back to line 1.] the system explained the drill
Walker heard the explanation, and in the same time, a hologram screen appeared in front of his eyes with a diagram with all the spots and their position.
[Ding, New quest For the Host]
[this a quest that I will give you from time to time with rewards if you complete them] said the system
Walker's eyes brightened when he heard that he could get rewards after completing the quest.
« what's the quest, » asked Walker
[Quest: the Host Should Finish all 5 lines in 2 minutes
Reward: Inside Shooting B+, Outside Shooting B+]
When Walker knows the rewards, he will get if he completes the quest his fighting spirit ignited because he knows how valuable this reward.
Walker starts the drill but as time goes by he knows the difficulty of this quest. It's been an hour and, he is still struggling with the first 2 lines.
« what the hell are you kidding me, How is it possible to complete this drill in 2 minutes, » said Walker with agitation in his voice
[Host, your shooting is the one that sucks, so please work hard the system quest is reasonable ] respond the system
Walker continued his training for another hour before the system told him to end this training session because he is at his limit and that he needed at least at 2 hours break before doing any additional training.
Walker went home after he finished his training, then he takes a shower and prepares his lunch.
After two hours [Host now you could begin training again] said the system
«am I going to work on shooting again, » said Walker
[No, we are going to be doing a ball handling drill] said the system
« System is the ball handling drill the same that I was doing before I got totally cleared »asked walker
[No, this drill is advanced than the one you used too] said the system
« Oh, okay, » said Walker
[Ball -handling Drill: Dribbling with Tennis Ball
-Host you are going to start with basketball in one hand and tennis ball in the other.
- First pound the basketball as hard as you can (to about your waist level)
-Now add in the tennis ball — underhand toss it up towards your nose but not above your head. Catch the ball with your hand on top of the tennis ball. (underhand toss, overhand catch).
-After catching the tennis ball 15 times, switch hands, and if you failed to catch the tennis ball, you should repeat the drill from the start.] the system explained
After hearing the explanation from the system he went to buy a tennis ball then he goes to the court and starts the drill.
Walker starts the drill in first he thought that it wasn't going to be that hard.
Afterword he found it hard to keep his attention with both the tennis ball and the basketball so he couldn't finish this drill also.
After only an hour the system told him to stop, and that was it for the training today.
[the endurance drill, the shooting drill, and the ball-handling drills are going to be this week training] said the system
A week goes by, Walker continue training, and the situation with his mother is the same they didn't talk for a week now, and Walker decided to quit his part-time job to focus more on his training.
Walker shooting advanced he could finish the first two lines in 15 minutes, but he was still stuck in the third line now, as for the dribbling drill he completed drill by the third day then the system adds a new requirement.
Walker was happy with the improvement that he has in one week, and that motivates him to work harder than anybody.
After finishing the training the system add new tasks in my training schedule in addition to drills I was working on, and they were a 1v1 match or 5v5 pickup game.
Walker was happy that he could play basketball games, so he settled on going to one of the packed outdoor courts to play some pickup games.