The stay over

chapter 12

We step out of the car and I was faced with a large white mansion. It was gorgeous.

"Wow, your House is huge.." I muttered, making him hum slightly. "Its the usual size. Smaller then my house out in the country. I'll take you there someday, if you would like. Anyways, bodyguard.. Lets go in."

We walked inside the place. It was magnificent. Even all my life savings, I wouldn't be able to afford a home like this.. We took off our coats, before his maid showed me around.

I got look at the boss house all around. It was a beautiful home.. Sort of wish that asshole, didn't grow up in such luxury. He probably wouldn't be such an asshole if he did.

Oh.. The maid didn't show me this room.. Well, the doors open. What the harm in takinh a peek inside.

That's strange its really foggy, so I went inside. Maybe a fire- "Ohmygod!!!!!!!"

I run out fast. Boss was having a shower and I saw him naked.

I felt blood flowing from my nose. I run to the kitchen to stop the nose bleed. Thank God it stopped! I wonder If he noticed me.. I hope not! This is embarrassing..

I heared footsteps behind me, I turned around. It was the boss and he's fully naked. "Hey bodyguard, your face is red like a tomato." He said with a grin. "Of course, it's because your naked, dummy..''

" Really, I'm a dummy now, hey?" He said as he grabbed out wine. He's walked closer to me. I sweat slightly and backed into the counter.

I flinched and turn away as he opens the wine.

He rips off my shirt and bra. Exposing half of my body and he pours the wine on my belly and breasts. He's licked it off my pale skin. "Please stop that sir!" I squeaked, embarrassed and flustered. How can he just do that?! Another shirt of mine as well... The wine is also freezing!

But he doesn't care. He carry's his lips to my mouth, before his lips touched mine, he takes a sip of the wine. He makes me drink it from his mouth as he kissed me.. His heat was flowing through me.. it feels like I'm melting. His touch is so tuff and gentle at the same time.. His tongue was so moist and tasted of liquor, it makes me want to taste it all day. He starts moving down, gently kissing down to my pants. I shivered slightly at this.

"You say you don't like it, but your body is saying something different.."

He takes hold of my hips as I try to make a run for it, but he grabbed me and bent me over on the counter. He slipped his hand down her pants and underwear.

"Wait! Don't! I don't want this..!"

He doesn't say anything, he watches me as he puts his fingers into me. He does it so fast, that I can't help, but want to orgasm.. This is no good. I can't-

"Did you just orgasm?"

I'm scared.. Not.. Again..

Hee rips my pants and underwear off of me. "Wait, what are you doing?" He chuckled and gripped my hips.

He thrusts into me super hard, that I felt myself break.

"You have a super cute face, when we fuck. So damn lewd.. It makes me want to be more forceful towards you.." He taunted with a big grin.

That ass! Does he think I want this?! ...But it does feel 'really' good.. He even thought, I was strong and cute..


What am I saying?! He's a twisted man, yeah! Don't you get tricked in! So shut up fuzzy thoughts.

He pulls my hair to bring my head back. He bites down on my neck. He quickly pulls out and turns me around, throwing me against the counter. He thrusts back into me, fucking me harshly.

She felt her body being torn apart by this male. She couldn't explain how she felt, it was almost overwhelming, but she wanted more..

Almost craving how his cock felt in her. stretching her and fucking deeply into her. The way his hands and lips touched all over her skin. How she reacts to the mans every fucking touch. Its almost killing her.

He pounded into her as he kissed and marked her delicate skin. He couldn't get enough of her. He was almost addicted.

He slid one of his hand to her hair and gripped her hair by the root tightly. He pulled her head back and kissed her gently. "Fuck, bodyguard.. Your body is so amazing.. Almost addicting.." He muttered, against he lips, before kissing her roughly. She blushed and shivered. He devoured he little mouth, making sure he tasted her. He wanted all of her.

He held her close and slammed into her as harshly as he could. He loved hearing every noise she made. He want more, he was craving more from her. He slowly pulled away from the kiss. "Hey Kally.. I want to hear you scream and cry.. Is that okay?" He asked, making her freeze and whimper slightly. "N-No.. P-pl-" He cut her off by kissing her, making her whine in dismay at being cut off. He chuckled and pulled away, kissing down her jaw. "I'm going to take that as a yes." He muttered as he went to her ear. "I'm going to enjoy ripping you apart.." He muttered, smirking.

I paled at this. What does he mean by ripping me apart?! Is fucking me not enough for you?! You bastard!!! I'm gonna get you some day!

He moved his head to the creased of her neck, nuzzling her skin gently She blushed a smidhe at this. She then felt it, instant pain and pressure on my neck. She felt his teeth bite down into her flesh breaking the skin. She screamed out in pain as whimpers escaped automatically. He groaned deeply and pulled away. "Such a lovely voice.." He muttered, making her whine. "Bodyguard, you know I do care for you, right?" He muttered, startling her slightly. It really came out of no where. He gripped her thighs and spread her legs apart farther. "Though, I got to say.. I really like taking car of this sexy body of you're better. The first time I laid my eyes on you all I though about was fucking you in many positions. I like watching you wither away as I fuck you in submission." He muttered as he started fucking her harshly at a knew angle that has got her screaming in pleasure and delight. He enjoyed every bit of this. "You're almost pitiful." He groaned, licking his lips.

PERVERT!!! God dammit!!! Its feels so good but to much! Way to much! Dammit you bastard! Ah!~ Please..

She could even form a proper sentence as he fucked her relentlessly. He marked and kissed up her delicate pale skin. Not caring where he mark for all his concerns, he was all hers.

God that was annoying, I will be pissed if I am pregnant.

The maid gave me PJ's, then giggled, before running out. What was that? Does she know what happened? Omg.. This is embaressing.

I put on the PJs and went to his room to sleep. Weird.. He's not here, I'll go look for him.. I guess..

I first looked for him in the kitchen, but he was not their. Oh yeah, he's probably in the livingroom working. He mentioned, he was working.

Once I took a look, he was there. He was sitting on the couch with just pants on. He was looking over paperwork. I couldn't help a small blush appear on my cheeks. He was a good looking man..

"Sir, you should sleep. Its getting late."

"Okay, bodyguard. Whatever you say, I didn't know you wanted to sleep with me so badly."

He muttered with a smirk as he placed down his paperwork.

"I didn't." I muttered, simply. "So cold" He mentioned, sighing.

We went up to the room to sleep. But as soon as we got in bed, I couldn't sleep. I can't sleep my heart is pounding hard. I don't know if I can sleep in this bed with this man. This is to much. She was sweating bolts.

10 mins later~

"Hey bodyguard, are you up?"

Huh? Mm, looks like she's a sleep. She's adorable sleeping.

"I'm sorry for what I did in the past.. I did it because I found you to cute not to tease. You were so sweet and warm to ever one.. I just fell in love. Good night, Kally."

I gave her a kiss, before go to bed myself.

The next day

"Good morning, sleepy head."

"Aaaaaahhh! Sir?! What are you doing here?!"

Oh yeah, I forgot..

I'm an idiot..

"I will consider that's a good morning. Get dressed. I layed out something for you and breakfast Is ready. Here you go." He gives me this leather jump suit with a zipper in the front. This asshole.

"Sir, do I have to wear this?"

"Yes, if you want this job. If not give it back."

"No, no, no! I will wear it, sir!"

"Great, put your hair in a bun too, please."

"Yes, sir.."

"I will wait down stairs, bodyguard."

"Yes, sir."

I quickly put on the suit. "Damn, it feels like my boobs are up too my chest.." I fix my boobs my boobs to move more together for comfort.

I went down stair and sat at the table.

Boss was staring at me funny.

"Boss are you Okay?.." .....

To be continued....