The Punishment

Chapter 10

He rubbed the tip of his cock on her pussy entrance, making her cry out slightly. His cock felt heavy against her and very warm. He hummed softly and gripped her hips.

He pounded into me fast and hard, making me scream out in pain and shock. I felt tears start falling down my cheek.. He grabbed his tie and tied my wrists together. I was whimpering in pure pain. He kissed me, sloppily.

He pulled out of me and flipped me over, before thrusting his dick inside of me again. I can't stop it and It feels so good, but it hurts. It's to much.

"Fuck your tight... You know your my first virgin.." He muttered in her ear, making me whimper. He bites my shoulder, making me want to cry.

He grips my hips tighter in a brusing grip. "You become so helpless with me, it almost makes me feel bad. Just almost." He said, making me want to cry. He kept up with the harsh thrusting, hard, fast speed.

I felt him lean over me. He started fondling me, play with my chest. I was shaking harshly. He stared at my face, making me clench on his cock without knowing.

Tears were escaping my eyes from the pain and pleasure. He grips my hair and pulled me into a sloppy kiss, making me whimper. He slid his tongue into her mouth, he explored my mouth as he ravished my body at the same time.

"Ah~ Boss~ It's to much~" I cried out, making him smirk. He gripped one of my hips and started moving fast. I screamed out in pain and pleasure. He groaned. "Fuck, thats hot..." He muttered, quietly.

He left hickeys everywhere as he thrusting into me harder. He soon pulled out and cums all over me. He was panting softly with me. He sighed and he did up his pants. He undid the tie. I felt my legs buckle beneath me and myself stumped to the ground.

"Go home for the rest of the day." He said, before leaves me naked on the floor... Fuck.

I grabbed my dress shirt and tied it on like a belly shirt to keep my chest from sight. I then slid on my pants. I wrapped myself in my black trenchcoat. I felt tears still falling. I wiped them quickly. "Fuck..." I muttered.

I went home after that, it was hard and painful.

I took a bath as soon as I got home and went straight to bed.

I wake up to my phone buzzing, making me groan. I wonder who it is texting me....

Dear bodyguard,

You're lucky I was going easy on you, today. But next time, I won't. If you're still wonder why I did it. I think you're cutie and its fun to mess with you. I'm happy that I was your frist.

Love, your old special friend.


My heart won't stop raising. "Yeah, right we're friends..." I said, sarcastically in a nervous way. I felt anger and embaressment. There was a little blush taking over my face. "Such an Asshole..."