A burst of pleasure

Chapter 8

I could feel myself becoming more sensitive and close to something, that I didn't know what. He slowly pulled away from the kiss and started kissing down her neck. "Bodyguard.. I can feel you're every twitch and hear every noise you make.. Its just sending my cock messages to fuck your virgin hole.. Its addicting in a way.." He muttered, roughly against her skin. She went bright red, flustered. "D-don't say s-such things-!~" She fumbled out through her soft moans in almost a whimper. He smirked wickedly at this. "Such a cute voice.. I'm sure that I want to hear it more often now.." He muttered, making her whine in dislike. He smirked and slid down, kissing her body. He moved his large hands down her body to her thighs. He spread her apart and instantly attached his mouth on her cunt. She cried out loudly in surprise. Her whole body froze, feeling his warm strong tongue start playing with her cunt as he suced harshly. I could feel my body breaking out in a light sweat as loud moans and whimpers escaped my coral pink lips. No.. No.. I felt a bundle of my pleasure was about to burst and it was getting to much. I tugged on the tie harshly, but was cut off, by his tongue dipping into her, tasting her. She jumped slightly surprised as she gasped. "Hold still.." He muttered, holding her waist down firmly. She felt him going back down on her. She went brighter red as she felt her whole body succumbing to him. She trembled harshly as she felt herself coming to her orgasm. She held herself back in unwanting. It wasn't long, until her bubble bursted. She screamed out loudly in pleasure. It wracked her whole body as her back arched. He moaned pleased at the sight and sucked her cleaned of her juices that flowed.