
...dreaming of happy endings and a life of possibilities.

The next few days were among the easiest and happiest they've all had in a while.

Since Tale had made her plans to move our known they all decided to make the rest of the time she had there more memorable. They had one afternoon filled with wine and painting. To say Tale lacked skills for painting will be a gross understatement. She sucked big time as Woo Jin had kindly pointed out to her. That didn't stop her from liking the painting which she hung right in Su Yan's library to torture him although he didn't mind it at all.

It was a lazy day that Saturday. Su Yan had gone to start on a the new project he just accepted and Woo Jin had tagged along that morning. Tale was up on Su Yan's computer reading up again on Chinese culture when Precious ran in all smiles.

"What?" Tale looked up through her glasses.

"Guess!!!" Precious jumped up and down clutching her phone to her chest.

"Uh you won the lottery?" Tale asked.

"In a way!"

"Yes! We are rich!" Tale got up happy and excited.

"No dummy, I just got off the phone with the head of my faculty in school, so he starts apologizing which is good on his part," Precious spoke fast trying to get all words out at once.

" Calm down," Tale laughed.

"So okay get this, I can take a leave if I want, which I will believe me."

Tale stifled a smile as she listened on patiently.

"The good part, my salary, girl get this. My salary has been doubled, and to top it off I just got paid a compensation for all the damages caused! Look." She showed Tale her phone screen to see the message notification.

"Wow! You are kidding, this is a huge sum of money!" Tale was truly happy for her as she gave her friend a much needed hug. Precious wasted no time in carrying her up and spinning her around.

"I am truly happy for you," Tale added.

Precious laid on the carpet trying to contain her excitement. She had her ten months salary worth in her bank account and it was her first time getting such.

Tale joined her on the floor lying next to her. "What will you do with all that money?" the accountant in her jumped out without warning.

"Give it out," Precious stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Like hell you are. You are going to save it or invest it. I'm all for giving but give at most ten percent." Tale advised.

Precious turned to her supporting her head with her hand as she laid on her side.

"Don't give me that look, you need money." Tale defended.

"I'm giving it to you." Precious stated.

"I'm sorry what now?" Tale turned her body to her taking same position as she did.

"It's yours Tale—"

"Like hell it is," she interrupted.

"It is." Precious wore a solemn look. "I'm being compensated for damages while in truth the real damage happened to you. Your house, your life, medical bills your boyfriend had to pay, you are currently house hunting because of this same reason. You are living under his roof because of me. You should be compensated, not me." Precious eyes looked tear stained so Tale kept quiet.

"I'm sorry Tale, I didn't mean to bring danger to your doorstep."

Tale sighed. "I'm not sorry. Because if I gave it much thought, it could have been worse. If you died then what? Do I look like I want to do this life alone?" Tale held back emotions. She lowered her voice. "It's your money," Tale finished.

"And yours. How about we put it into the house you are hunting for, let it be the good thing that came out of a bad situation."

Tale thought about it and nodded. "What about we rent a place together?"

"I like it!" Precious agreed. "We are rich!" Precious yelled.

"Calm down. One point five million naira isn't exactly rich rich," Tale shrugged.

"It's not huh?" Precious tickled her best friend as a fresh smile played on her face. "Take it back now broke ass."

Tale pleaded as she rolled from side to side laughing and trying to block out Precious hands touching her body.

"Can I join in?" Woo Jin's voice put their little play to an end.

The two women looked up to find Su Yan and Woo Jin looking confused but not surprised.

They were surprised.

"It's not what it looks like," Precious said as she stood up from her friends body.

Su Yan looked at Tale for explanation. She had none. "We have good news!" She said simply. "But after you two are well rested, now go change and freshen up, you both smell like dust and sweat and did you have burgers for lunch?"

Before they could argue she shoved them gently out of the way urging them to go do her bidding.

"We will tell you both all about it," Precious yelled after them.

The doorbell rang.

"Dinner time!" Precious announced.

It wasn't dinner. "Uhm Tale, what did you do?" Precious asks holding open the door as she spoke.

"Move," Tale pushes her aside. She had ordered an outdoor tent earlier that day from the mall. "Come in," she told the guy at the door. "Thank you for being quick with it, I'm setting them up at the back yard," Tale talked as she led the way.

"Do you know how to do it?" The young man asked.

"Not at all," Tale smiled.

"No problem," he dropped the goods on the floor and got to work.

"Thank you so much, will it take long?"

"I'd be done in twenty minutes tops," he explained as he started on it.

Tale stayed behind watching. "I'm here if you need any help." She sat down on the empty crate that was now serving as a stool.

He spared a few seconds to smile at her, giving her a nod that said he appreciated the company.