The leader of the rebellion

Andrei was sitting on his couch about to vomit. As opposed to the term 'alcoholic' which carries a negative connotation, he very much liked the expression 'heavy drinker'. He liked to drink and tend to get drunk more than most. But he still maintained his questionable job's reputation and kept up with his bills. Therefore, he was a heavy drinker.

His friend walked in furious. Like the Norse god Thor, he was usually described as having red hair and the anger to smite down anybody. Red hair predominantly looks great on women. He also had hottie dotties, meaning freckles. For men it's either a hit or miss. He started reading the morning news from his smartphone.

"Rescue workers have struggled to separate the charred bodies after dozens of flaming dead fell in heaps. At least 25 are now dead, including the bank manager of ANTRS in a tragic terrorist attack. Our sincere hope is that no additional human remains will be located. Officials believe all of this was the work of the terrorist "Hacker for hire", but currently nobody claimed responsibility. The explosives used were military grade."

He kicked the couch. Andrei could not help but vomit all over his clothes.

The red haired man was called "Red Devil". He was a person Andrei can count on through hard times and good times. He was always there to hold Andrei up, not bring him down. Red Devil always supported him and sometimes he might get in fights with Andrei, because they were too close and understood each other well. They loved each other like family.

Red Devil was way too angry to calm down. He punched Andrei right in the nose and started choking him. Red Devil shouted. "Why did you kill so many people? You only had to kill one. You only needed to kill one."

Andrei replied after Red Devil loosened his grip. "Why don't you nuke yourself with a giant ICBM (InterContinental Ballistic Missile) shaped dildo up your ass?"

Andrei was shameless. He wanted to get a good beating, because that would be the only way he could get over the death of Veronica. He could fall in love way too easily. He was relatively lonely and if a girl would give him more than average attention his mind would go crazy.

It wasn't love, simply infatuation. He didn't saw raw, tangible humans around him only some daydreams or fictions. Andrei thought of another infuriating comment. "That would be one hell of a nuclear fusion anal orgasm."

The Red Devil was strangely calm. He said with a calm and charming voice. "What is it with you and this end of world fetish? Anyway. I chatted with a person on an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. He was claiming to be an influential rebel here in Base City. He said the leader of the rebels wants to meet you, the notorious "Hacker for Hire", I arranged a meeting."

Andrei started to vomit a second time. After choking and vomiting so much, his voice became hoarse. "You know I don't meet the clients. I'm not someone who have to attend all those boring meetings. It's your job."

Red Devil replied. "Valley View Drive, a black van 3 PM. Don't be late, or you won't be requiring an open casket funeral. The leader is a brilliant woman, on a far higher level than you."

Andrei was early at the meeting. He saw the van pull over. He got in comfortably. There was a blond woman in the driver's seat. She was wearing a face mask similar to what he used at his last job and a black hoodie. They sit next to each other awkwardly. Andrei broke the silence trying to test the boundaries of this so called 'leader'.

"Oh, you're a woman. Dominance is mentality. A male is inherently dominant and a female is inherently submissive, and you want to start a rebellion as a woman. Being pregnant is your only evolutionary function in life."

She took out her gun and shot Andrei prosthetic arm four times. Andrei did not attempt to cover his arm, because that would prove to be fatal for him. He doesn't have the chance to activate is arm now. He was held at gun point. It was his trump card if things don't go well, but this woman destroyed his arm with ease as if she knew about his it. Must be the Red Devil. He must have told her. "Nicely played partner. Do you want me dead? Now I can't kill her, loot her corpse and then sell her head for the bounty." He thought.

The woman started talking. Her voice was sweet as nectar. She was obviously young. "A common problem with men is their obsession with the physical. Men frequently approach women with a problem solving mentality, similar to learning how to play games or sports. You think of women like machines. Rub the machine in a certain way for a certain amount of time and it produces an orgasm. Put your thing in the machine and you'll have a child in 9 months... Your friend was right when he called you the biggest asshole one can meet."

"What do you want then?" Asked Andrei, visibly upset that things did not go his way, and he lost his bargaining chip.

"What would you do in my place? I want to have a different perspective."

"Ok. Then let's negotiate the price first." There was another shot from the rebel leader's gun. She shot the right arm another time, very close to Andrei's flesh.

Andrei started talking. He wasn't stupid enough to get shot in vain, and he liked to boast his knowledge. "There used to be a guy where I drink who constantly promoted the idea that the most effective way to resist the regime was to go to "important roads" with a pickaxe and chip away at the pavement. But I beg to differ."

"Just pour diesel, or old gas on the road if it's asphalt. It makes it soft and you can just shovel it like gravel, and build nice roadblocks."

"All your men need to destroy communications in this city is flathead screwdrivers, wire cutters, small flathead screwdrivers and bolt cutters. For fiber optic, just bend it until you hear a crack. With that you can destroy about a mile of fiber. They will need at least a day to figure out the problem and fix it."

"For power supply cabinets, use a flathead screwdriver to open the bicycle lock mechanism. Then unscrew and unplug the batteries. Then cut off the padlock, open up the fuse panel, turn the fuse upside down, close the panel, then put a new padlock there."

"For telephone, TV and internet cables you just need to open up the tap, use the small flathead to back out the contact screws, and then close the tap up. With the screws backed out, the cables are not making any contact and lose signal."

"Use burner phones to call bomb threats for bridges and highway overpasses. The cops will be scattered around trying to find bombs, while they cripple transportation in the process."

"Nothing changes until the right people start being targeted, attacked, and killed, right? Where do these people live? Where do they work? Where do they shop? Who are they connected with? Do they beg for mercy when you chop off their fingers?"

"You can make super secret ninja like operation before the enemy go spastic and starts to retaliate, and after the army marches in, everybody even related to the incident will be killed. So good luck with that. You will be decapitated after marching on the streets, thinking you've just won."

"The fact is, terrorism is a new form of guerilla warfare. War has evolved after civilian centers were valid targets and this has changed into wars that do not use armies or navies, but instead target civilians or military in civilian centers. The harshness of a police state only serves to recruit more terrorism, until the state ceases to function."

"No matter what your opinion, this is our new reality, you should be a terrorist, you can't change anything peacefully if the state only uses force. They can't stop terrorism, and this is the beauty of it: it requires no military, and little organization. Terrorism is the wave of the future, you just need to start it big time. Technology can also be a tool for terrorists, and a cell phone can be a weapon of mass destruction. Its a wonderful life, so get used to it."

Then Andrei got out of the van and walked away.