Reborn a New

Hey guys! Wait a second. Is it weird to talk to an imaginary audience in my head? It probably is right? Well considering all the things that just happened to me I can consider being in one of those Isekai/Reborn/Rebirth-Novels.

I'am Karl your average student. Not brilliant in anything and not terrible in anything. Except Math,.... f*ck math. I'am more of an Art-guy.

My life was good so far I have had a great family, a loving mother, a father who is caring but triggers the madman in me sometimes and little sister who cares about me a lot, maybe to much sometimes, I could really live without her acting like a second mother. School wasn't really my thing so I was glad to leave that part of my life and the signs of depression behind me.

Well anyway.

It was one of those typical summer days, the sun was shining and clouds were nowhere to be seen. It rained the last two days so the plants where as green as they could get. You could say nature looked almost too perfect.

And I was just in the middle of it riding my motorcycle down the country road. Motorcycles my new passion. Definitely one of the best decisions of my life. Don't get me wrong I'm not a cool rocker Type of guy, I'am anything but cool I would say.

I'am much more your typical introvert that tries to hold back all of his sarcastic jokes, so that I'am still able to at least get the right amount of friends to not be a typical gaming loner, like I pretty much was back in high school.

Ok. Enough explanations. Back to the important part.

I was just hooning around on the streets riding back home after a few hours of riding with my friends. Doing a wheelie here, going straight through a roundabout there when nobody is looking. Twisting the throttle a lot on this straight, braking hard for that corner. When suddenly shit hit the fan.

No, it wasn't truck-kun this time around. Actually it's everybody's motorcyclists arch-enemy „Sand on the road"-chan. Not paying enough attention to the side on the road my rear tire slipped on a small amount of sand, resulting in me sliding into the guardrail. Helmet and protective gear or not, it seems like it did not help in my case.

I woke up in complete darkness. I was already pretty sure that I broke my neck because it hurt like an airplane crash-landed on it.

And I was also extremely sure that that crash killed me, because I had never seen a darkness like that. Then out of nowhere a bright light appeared, it really hurt looking into it after my eyes adjusted to the complete blackness of the surroundings.

Suddenly the light spoke to me.

„Karl, I have to inform you that you died." (Light)

„Well, I could already guess that myself, who might you be then? Death? God? Or a fairy?"

„I guess you can call my God, that probably fits the best, I thought you don't believe in god?"(Light aka. God)

„Hm, well I never really believed in an almighty entity but I never believed that there couldn't be something bigger. And this situation only confirms my believe. So what now? What's going to happen?"

„That kind of makes sense to me. Well, because you lived such a short life and haven't been what I would consider evil, I would grand you another life. BUT, that would have to lived in another world. You can choose it yourself, but I would advise you to pick wisely, you won't be able to pick again." (God)

„Oof. *mumbling* so it really is one of those stories...." - „*normally* can you give me a second for that decision?"

„Mhm, a minute will be ok. But I don't have all day so I would advise you to not that to long or I will have to pick for you" (God)

„Oh. Ok."

*in my mind* „Ok think Karl, think. Sci-Fi is your shit. But Starcraft can be brutal depending on the year and location, isn't as cool for the normal human as in the game and story. Same with Star Wars, i really want to use a lightsaber or a speederbike... but chances are i won't be a jedi or sith. Maybe not even money. Money. Right there is slavery in Star Wars. F*ck being a slave thats a no no from me... those would have been my favorite Universes... dammit. Naruto and other Shonen Anime-Universes seem to be not ideal either considering the danger in addition to that... they don't have motorcycles. I want to ride again sooo bad. Wait. Concentrate. What can I pick... Lately I have been playing Pokémon again.

Seems to be save,... no crazy aliens, no wars. Technology wise they seem to be in the 21. century so bikes would be possible. If i think about it worst that could happen would be a Pokemon-bite." (Me)

„Are you done yet?" (says God, one would think he is annoyed because of the time, but he just seems to be the calmness itself)

„OH! Yes sorry. I would be ok with the World of Pokémon."

„Oh-ho. Pokémon? There would be, how would you say it? Cooler choices? Are you sure of that?" (God)

„Yeah, pretty much. That would be ok if it's possible."

„It is. So it shall be. I wish you the best of luck. Till we meet again young one."

The small light - God just seemed to continue to float in front of me, when after a few seconds it became brighter and brighter after the light swallowed me. Soon Darkness fell again.

And now we arrive at my current situation. I wake up under a Tree. Looking up through the leafs. I look around and it's not just one tree. I'am clearly surrounded. I'am in a forrest and these trees are huge. At least a 100 meters I can't remember any place in the Anime or the games with trees that big.

As I want to start walking I begin to notice that something is not quite right. I'am walking on all four of my legs. You heard right. Four fricking legs. What the hell. And I have grey furr all over my body.

„That stupid God didn't tell me I wouldn't be reborn a human! What the f*ck!" (from here on most of these „..." -(me) parts will be thoughts)

So. What now. I'am obviously a Pokemon. Well I hope so. Are there any normal Animals in the Pokémon-World? That would suck. Well I hope I ain't one of those if thats the case.

I don't have a mirror or Hands to check. I guess I should find a water source before I do anything else.

To be continued...