Information on the next Chapter

Hey Guys! 👋

I write this Auxiliary Chapter to keep the ones of you interested in how far the next chapter is and when you can expect the release of said chapter.

Also if the case should happen of me dropping this novel you can also read about it in this Auxiliary Chapter.

To get to the point:

Word count of the upcoming chapter:

0/2500 Words. I try to keep all the stuff I still need to do for my Bachelor in my mind. I probably won't start writing before Feb. the 5th

Guessed time of the release:

No Idea. I got a new phone now. I normally always write via my phone. And I downloaded the app again as well as open it. I guess you can call that progress.
Plan on dropping the novel:

~ Won't be dropped, I will mix things up for me with my Starcraft Story though so releases will probably be even farther away from each other. For those who only plan on reading this story sorry to disappoint you, but I'm doing this for fun, a point that I often forget. So writing what makes me happy is the most important thing. If the Starcraft Story leads me nowhere and is badly received I will switch all my attention to this book again. Until then wish me luck and check out my other story, should there already be a chapter! ~

Important Stuff:

I have seen that some of you might be unhappy with how the MC turned out. I would like to change that. If you have any problems understanding what and why the MC did something in Chapter "Insert Number" please let me know in the comment section of the right "Insert chapter". Stupid and annoying MCs are one of the reasons why I started writing that's why that critique hit me in the feels. Help me fix any parts that could spark misunderstandings as soon as something feels wrong to you.