Author note of 2-2-20

(I reposted this because I wasn't sure if you guys saw this was a new note.)

Well, Well, Well what do we have here? An Update? Maybe? Yes! NO? Yes!

Haha, sorry guys that it's been so long guys, I just simply couldn't focus so I took a bit of a longer break than I thought I would. I was having problems of being too creative so I switch to a different site for a bit to kinda work out all my crazy ideas.

Also when I originally started this book I really had too many problems with it where I was trying to do too much at the same time and I had no idea where to take this story. It was kinda something I wrote on a whim, which is the main reason I had to take a break, but I am happy to say that I have figured out where exactly to take this story and I believe I've come up with some good ideas.

However I will inform you guys that I'm a slow writer so I simply won't be posting at a fast pace, but I do promise to try and not drop this again.

But with that said I will need to rewrite the first 10 chapters but lucky for you guys Chapter 1 is almost done! So I will be reposting that one soon.