Chapter 3-The Crazy Wererabbits

Chapter 3-The Crazy Wererabbits

"Hey kid, is it alright for you to be out here by yourself?" I say as I walked up behind the boy.

However, the boy didn't react as if he didn't hear me and just continued to look down at the ground while swinging his feet as if bored, but he seemed worried about something. I frowned and wondered if he was deaf since I was right behind him. There's no way he couldn't have heard me. I then walked around the big tree the bench was situated against and stood in front of him and neared to get his attention.

"Do you need help?" I asked gently.

The boy finally seemed to notice me as he looked up at me. However, he didn't respond as he quickly looked around, the boy didn't say anything but pointed to himself as if asking if I was talking to him. Was he mute? Something was off about the boy, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Of course. There is no one else around is there?" I said reassuring the boy.

The boy broke out into a big smile and jumped off the bench and ran off but turned and gestured for me to follow him. This wasn't quite how I expected this to go, but I did as the boy wanted and followed him. He took quite a few twists and turns nearly losing me once or twice; however the boy seemed to have a bell on him that chimed as he ran otherwise I would have lost him. The boy was quite fast.

I chased the boy for nearly 25mins, and he led me to the other side of town. This side of the town seems to be in much worse condition as the roads are all muddy, the houses seemed to be falling apart, and there is trash littered everywhere. My stamina had run out at this point so I had to slow down and walk to let it recharge as you cant just keep running forever.

It's hard to believe this is the same town with the other side being so nice. I had lost the boy at this point, but thankfully I suddenly heard the bells go off from behind a building leading down a dark alley. I was starting to worry about where this boy was taking to me and why? However, my curiosity gets the better of me, and I slowly make my way forward stepping over any mud piles.

I finally spotted the boy again, trying to lift what appears to be an old wooden wagon. One of the wheels had fallen off so it was leaning on its side and It was surrounded by trash bags, both on it and around it. I tried not to gag at the smell or imagine what's in them. When suddenly I heard another bell chime from the pile. It was then that I understood that someone was trapped under it.

I didn't trust the wagon to hold together with all that weight on it. So as much as it disgusted me, I started to move the bags carefully off to the side praying to god they don't break open. The boy has refused to say anything to me despite me helping him, but I didn't mind it he could be mute for all I know and whatever was trapped obviously means something to him, so it is not a big deal.

Finally, when everything was moved, I picked up the wagon, but it was a bit heavier than I expected but not unbearably so, I noticed there was a faint light coming from under it, but I didn't pay any attention as I focused on lifting the wagon. When there was enough room, the boy then crawled under and quickly got whatever it was. Thankfully the boy is quick, so he took only a few seconds to get what he needed, and when he was out, I dropped the wagon as carefully as I could.

Curiously I shot a glance at what the boy was holding. it was a ball of blue light, but you can faintly make out the shape of a small creature in the centre of it, and It resembled a mouse. It appeared to be some kind of fairy or maybe a wisp as it has a spiritual feel to it. It suddenly flew out of the boy's hand excited at having been freed and started to fly around me as if thankful. I decided it would be a good time to finally get some answers from the boy, but when I turned to look at him, I was shocked as he had disappeared!

However, in his place stood another ball of blue light that resembled the mouse currently flying around me. When they came together, a light flashed blinding me, and then they were gone. I was a bit disappointed for a second as I thought I was getting nothing for my efforts but then noticed something laying on the ground thankfully on a piece of wood and not in the mud. I picked it up and inspected it.

(Rare)The Bells of Kindness

[Active]-Instantly cleanse weak poison's (cd. 5 min.)

Agi +15

Vit +5

I was stunned for a moment by the trinkets, and It was a rare one at that! Everyone can only have one ticket equipt at a time, so it was lucky to find one this early. Trinkets tend to be one of the harder items to find. There hadn't been any quest prompts for this, but it was a small task, so it makes sense that it wasn't deemed a quest.

The bonus agility will be nice as wererabbits sound Like they will be a fast type of monster. I don't know how strong these rabbits are going to be, but anything will help. Before I head to the fields to find Paul and Jessica, I should do what I needed to do originally and head the Chief's house. I had already noticed where he lived earlier, but I decided to find the blacksmith first after all the biggest house in the middle of town usually means someone important lives there.

There were no guards, but if there are as dire states as they say it makes sense that they had none, so I just lightly knock on the door. It only takes a few seconds for someone to open the door. It was an old lady in nice clothes. She was a human and probably the wife of the chief.

"Hello, do you need anything?" She asks.

"Yes, I have come to meet with the village chief and see if he needs anything done around here," I say.

"Oh, yes then please come inside," she says, gesturing me in.

She then leads me to an open room where a man was sitting in a fancy chair, smoking a pipe by the fireplace looking out the window. He appeared to be deep in thought as he seems not to have noticed me walk in.

"Dear, you have a guest." The wife speaks up, gaining his attention.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you, sir," I say politely with a small bow.

"Oh, pardon me! I hadn't noticed anyone come in. What is it you need?"

"Let me introduce myself. I'm Skoll, and an adventure that's happened to pass by wanted to ask if you need any assistance."

He looked confused at first, but then suddenly, a shocked look crossed his face, and his head snapped to look up at me.

"You're an outsider!" He yells in disbelief.

I raised an eye at his exaggerated reaction. "Is it really that rare?" The blacksmith had seemed surprised at me being here too, but not this much.

"You are one of God's chosen! Only a chosen can be sent to our world! I see... so it must be our fate for you to be sent here in our time of need."

"How do you know I'm a chosen?" I asked as being an outsider doesn't seem to be enough of a reason to jump to that conclusion.

"I see... you must be newly appointed."

The chief sighs as if he lost the hope he just gained, "Let me explain it to you then." The man sighs and takes a big puff on his pipe.

"There are countless worlds in our universe, and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Our world is a tiny one, and ever since our gateway was destroyed by the wererabbit we have lost contact with outside worlds, and that means it's impossible for anyone to come here to help us... Other than a chosen that is," he says, stopping to gesture at me.

"You see after losing contact with the outside world we had to make do with what we had. However, we simply didn't have the resources that were necessary to live without the gateway. It was a blow we were not prepared for, and over these past few years the wererabbits have been rapidly growing in power, and I fear we may not survive."

Suddenly I started to get the picture as to why this mission is rated impossible. However, I'm not one to quit so easily there must be a way to do this.

"There must be something that can be done to stop them," I say

"There is one thing that may turn the tides in our favour, but all attempts so far have been fruitless. However... with a chosen going there may be a chance..."The Chief says pondering,

"Very well! We will take the chance as it may be our only one! Chosen, I need you to speak with the giants in the south. They are the only chance we have. If we can form an alliance with them, we may be able to push the wererabbits back. before it's too late.

It shouldn't be too hard as they have been having trouble dealing with the wererabbits themselves, but they don't seem to believe we can offer them any real help. If you can convince them otherwise we may just stand a chance and perhaps they may reward you for your efforts as a chosen."

[Speak with the Giants]

Goal: Convince the giant tribe to form an alliance with the humans. It just may be the only chance left at a retaliation towards the Wererabbits.

Reward: 500 copper.]

"Of course! I will do my best."

"I'm grateful chosen. I wish you a safe and successful journey. Oh here take this it may aid you." The chief says as he begins to rummage through a drawer. What he pulled out appears to be a skill book.

"Thank Cheif! This will help me immensely."

"Oh, I never did introduce myself, did I? Where are my manners! The names Stark by the way."

"It was a pleasure Cheif Stark," I say

I then left the Chief Stark's house and decided what to do first. I decided to put the giants on hold for a bit and headed over to Paul and Jessica so I could get that sword first.

'Oh, I almost forgot this!' I think to myself pulling out the book and opening it up.

(Uncommon)Double Strike- Instantly attack a second time but only deal 25% of your damage.

It was a pretty good basic skill. It was sure to come in handy. When I got there, I noticed a wooden wall built around the area. It was rather small, only about 2 feet overhead height. There were four makeshift towers at the corners of the walls and about two people posted in each one. There were about five armed guards all keeping watch at the entrances. There were a lot tents lined up near the edges of the walls. But in the centre of them was a massive tent and outside of it were two people, a man and women. They were bent over a map and seemed to be in an argument. I walked over as I assumed they were the ones I was looking for, and as I got closer, I started to hear what they were saying.

"We have to hold the lines! We simply can't afford to risk pushing out to kill these rabbits and what happens if we walk past them and they attack and destroy our fields! Then we'll have no food and starve!"

"We can't just hold the line forever Jessica! This damn rabbit populates way too fast for that. If their numbers keep increasing eventually even we won't be able to hold the line! Even if we do lose our field we just use the Wererabbits for food sure they might taste like shit, but the pros outweigh the cons we can rebuild a farm, but if the wererabbits get any stronger they'll eventually kill us for food!"

"We're not strong enough for that, and you know it. Their nest is bound to have far more power rabbits not even to mention the rabbit generals that attacks use from time to time. It's the weak rabbits that have been pushed out of their nest that have been attacking us, and we can handle those with ease. But if we attack the nest, we might all die! We can kill maybe a few, but the risk is too high! We don't stand a chance and attacking them its suicide! They were left alone for too long and now have the numbers on us!"

"We can't hold the line forever! The Wererabbits are dumb, but eventually, they will figure out they can take us, we have to push while we-"

I had stood on the side, listening to them argue and figured out what was going on, so I interrupted them as I heard enough about these Wererabbits. The point is that they don't have the strength to attack the nest as the wererabbit population has too many rabbits to take out all at.

"Hey! I was asked to come to help you kill these rabbit you guys are talking about."

Both the man and the women that were arguing turned to look at me. Paul sneered at me after glancing at my poorly made armour.

"Pff, you? You don't even look strong enough to kill the stragglers, and you want to help us?"

"Knock it off Paul. We need all the help we can get if you haven't noticed."

"Please Jessica we might need help, but this guy's nothing but bones, not a muscle on him how could he possibly kill anything like that."

"We don't exactly have the luxury of being picky right now Paul so why don't we put him on the scouting team to find out how he handles himself there maybe he will give us a surprise."

[Scouting the next attack]

[Goal: Prove yourself strong enough by scouting for the next attack find the enemy's campsite and report to Paul, and Jessica of their location. Kill any stragglers if able but don't get caught!]

[Reward: 500 copper]

[Bonus rewards for killing 15 Wererabbit Scavengers]

[Greater Bonus for killing a Wererabbit Warrior]

"I would be honoured to assist," I say

Both Paul and Jessica nodded in satisfaction with my quick decision.

"Good meet the rest of the scouts to the southeast camped under the cliff."


After giving them a clear reply, I walked away and started for the south on the road I figured I should go to the giants first and maybe I will find something to help with the scouting mission, after all, it doesn't seem like the mission will be rushed and talking to the giants shouldn't take too long.

Getting that greater reward will be helpful but it will have to be pure luck to run into a warrior outside of camp. Along the way, I didn't run into anything worthwhile, so it only took me about an hour to walk. I was walking down a giant hill when I spotted the giant's village. There were no buildings. It looked like they carved holes into the mountains to make homes.

As I approached, I noticed two giants down the path fighting some wererabbits but they kept missing the rabbits as they were fast although they seem to hit one every now and then. The rabbit did such a small amount of damage, but the giants didn't seem to care about getting hit. I decided to check their stats since neither had noticed me.

Wererabbits scavengers-Lvl 3


Attack dmg (1-2)

Giant Guards-Lvl-7

Health: (2750/3000)

Attack dmg: (50-150)

Oh man definitely don't wanna take a hit from a giant. Seeing as it would be easier to talk to the giants if they were grateful for the help I charged at the closest rabbit since I did come to help the giants anyway. I was only level 1 still so I had to be careful. I had an attack of 15-18 damage do it would take about 2 hits per kill one if I use my new skill but it has a 30-sec cd so I can't just spam it.

I flanked one not paying attention to me and but I was started when I noticed I had crit on my first attack! That was lucky. I then flanked another rabbit as they haven't noticed me since the first one died so fast. I then struck another one and used my skill to intently kill it. I glanced around and counted there were 12 wererabbits left.

After killing two of their comrades, The wererabbits had finally noticed me They quickly charged me, however, thanks to my high agility I was easily able to dodge the attacks. They might be too fast for the giants but they were quite slow for me. The last one attempted to run away, but I quickly caught it.

[Level Up!]

Killing the final rabbit seemed to have been just the amount I needed. I then turned to look at the giants that had stood on the sidling since I joined the fight. I hadn't received any advice on how to battle despite the fact the mission had said I would have someone explain I never met anyone that did, so I was relying on my experience from playing other games. It wasn't too hard to adjust. I didn't have to worry about dying to these wererabbits at least.

"Thanks for help human... why is human here..?"

They seemed to be dumb, so I tried to talk a bit slow although it was probably unnecessary, but it was entertaining.

"I'm here.. to meet.. with your chief... I wish to help.. kill the Wererabbits with you."

"Meet with chieftain..? Very well human… I shall take you to chieftain..."