The room they provided us was quite spacious. Staff was on call day and night to assist us and the quality of the furniture was amazing. Henry was scared to touch anything, as the cost to replace one of these would likely bankrupt the whole family. We ate a sumptuous meal and went out the balcony to enjoy the sights.
It was getting darker, slowly, and the view was fabulous. From up here, one could see across most of the city and the way the setting sun illuminated everything was truly gorgeous. The architectural design reminded Wilfred about older european construction but here, everything was in pristine condition. When he thought about it, he also could have likely done quite well for himself simply by using his knowledge, although rudimentary, of modern technology and applying it here.
A loud knock came from the door, succeeded by many more swift ones. Henry went and opened the door to a small gathering of seemingly furious fellows in long robes.
"He's finally lost it I'm telling you!" Shouted one from the back.
"It's time we think about a replacement." Added another.
"C-can I help you?" Henry meekly added, trying to get a word in whilst everyone was busy arguing.
A lady of quite some years but still possessing much grace and elegance, interjected on behalf of the party.
"Yes! You can get out of that doorway and show us that child so that we can lay this ridiculous claim to rest!"
Wilfred slowly made his way from the balcony to see what the commotion was about. As soon as he was within sight, the figures stormed him, pushing Henry aside and peered down at him. Simultaneously, half a dozen [Analyze] went off.
The resulting silence and Wilfred's now smug grin spoke volumes.
If there was one thing he loathed, it was self-righteous pricks who thought they knew everything.
A loud booming laughter interrupted everyone in the room and all turned their heads to the back where an older mage was having a laughing fit.
"Well well, looks like old Primus hasn't lost it yet hahahaha. What's your name young lad?"
"It's Wilfred, Sir."
"My my, polite too. Well Wilfred, seems like you've caused a ruckus here. You're quite the anomaly. Half my colleagues seem to think you're a prank from old Primus while the other half deny it's even possible. Tell me, why do you want to join the academy?"
Wilfred thought about it for some time. Not just in that moment, but during the walk here and his talk with his parents. Why did he want to become a mage and join the academy? Well for one, it was the closest thing resembling his old life. He loved the structure of the military, the feeling of importance he got from fulfilling his orders. He also wanted to make a difference, make his ideals become reality. After serving, a path towards leadership would be likely and he could get into a powerful position where he would influence change. The mage likely did not want to hear about how his academy is great and renowned but a more personal connection.
"My father and mother are commoners, we don't have a bad life but I want something more. I want to matter. There is so much more this country could become if we did not lie in the shadow of Nansen and Moburi. I feel that becoming mage and serving Leganon would allow me to accomplish something great."
The crowd pondered long and hard on these words that came from an 8 year old. They had no choice but to admit that he was indeed an anomaly, a genius level boy who could not only use magic but possessed a real intellect as well.
"Truly, it appears his stats are not misleading. We do have a real prodigy on our hands. Now, fellow Councillors, shall we spurn away this talent for the sake of our fragile egos or admit that perhaps, talent is not born noble?"
Many mages felt vexed by these remarks and some shouting erupted. It was quickly reigned in though when Primus entered the room. His mere presence quieted even the most fervent of dissenter.
'Had to see for yourselves heh! Well I'm not senile yet, you opportunistic leeches! So, can we amend the age rule?"
The Councillors conferred with each other, mumbling about a variety of topics and perceived problems until they reached a referendum. The older but beautiful lady from before spoke on behalf of the group.
"Very well, we'll remove the age requirement but he still must pass the testing to be admissible."
"I agree, tomorrow morning then." Replied Primus.
All the mages exited, leaving only the older mage and Primus with Henry and Wilfred in the room.
'Terribly sorry about all that, they had to see for themselves. It's like they were being told all they knew was a lie. It doesn't help that you're not part of the royal family. I am fairly confident you'll have no issues with the tests tomorrow. The question will remain; what do we do with you? The youngest are 14 and already in classes with 15 year olds. If you were to start tomorrow, you'd be in classes with students twice your age and more."
"I should be fine. I always felt I was a bit more mature for my age." Like 30 years old mature almost, I chuckled to myself.
"At dawn then." Both did a small bow and left the room, closing the door on the way out.
Henry let out a long sigh and sat down on the floor.
"My poor heart, I don't think I can take much more of this stress."
Wilfred went behind him, patting him on the head.
"It's almost over. I should be able to start tomorrow and then you can go back home."
"Are your stats really that high? They seem so impressed. Did you lie to us previously?"
"No... well, I didn't say everything, like that my Int and Will are in the 40's."
His eyes bulged, trying to understand what was just said.
"But that's..insane. Mine are only in the 10's. It does explain how articulate and well spoken you are. Gosh, I wonder if you're really my son some days."
"Let's go to bed and not worry about that."
The comfortable beds proved to be quite effective and both fell asleep promptly.
Next Morning
Henry and Wilfred headed downstairs at first light after a small breakfast. The staff were kind enough to bring food to their room, some eggs and a strange meat Wilfred had never eaten before.
The pair were escorted to a large domed room where the Headmaster and the Councillors awaited. On all sides, tall shelves containing thousands upon thousands of books, all neatly ordered and organized, stretched all the way to the ceiling.
This must be the sum of human knowledge in this world, even the great library of Alexandria must have paled in comparison mused Wilfred.
The Headmaster, Primus, beckons him over to the center, where a pedestal stands. It appears to be of an ancient construction, the decay obvious to the eye but still retaining a regal bearing. Wilfred stands next to Primus and awaits further instructions.
"Greeting young one. This is the Pedestal of wisdom. All around us, is the sum of human knowledge. All manners of essays, experiments and lore. Many use magic as a blunt object to crush enemies, monsters and humans alike, but it is so much more. This pedestal was created by the founders of Drecos to help humans survive. We were beset on all sides by monsters and demi-humans, our armies lacking."
He continued on after taking a deep breath.
"The pedestal allows us to test all the citizens of the city who show promise as it recognizes the elements, allowing for us to judge how proficient one is and finding out who has the potential to be a mage so that we may waste no time or resources in training them. Now, lay your hand upon it, feel the magic and pass it through the pedestal. You will see many colors around it, how bright they shine will give us a glimpse of your affinity to the elements. Do not be alarmed if not all stones light up as most of us have a stronger tie to one element than others."
The Headmaster gestured for me to come forward and stand in front of the pedestal. It was quite intimidating all things considered, even as a veteran, no other experience in my life could have been said to have resembled this. I let out a deep breath, relaxing myself and summoned up the willpower to proceed with it.
Wilfred stood in front of the pedestal and placed both his hands upon it, closing his eyes at the same time. He could feel a raw and primitive power from the pedestal and it was thirsty. Looking at it, there were 9 stones placed equidistant from one another, going in order left to right: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown, White, Black, Purple and Orange.
All present gathered around in a circle, the pedestal being in the center. Wilfred poured magic into it, recalling that time with the bully when his life was in danger, it did not take long for the pedestal to sense his energy and lap it up. Slowly, the stones started shining slightly. Opening his eyes, Wilfred looked upon the pedestal. The red stone was barely lit, only a small glimmer shining. In contrast, the green stone eclipsed all the others with its intensity. The Orange stone also shone with the same luminosity as the green one while the others appeared to be the same as the red one. To his chagrin, the purple and white stones were completely vacant of any light.
Dang. Guess I only really have two elements I'm compatible with then?
A hand suddenly tapped Wilfred's shoulder, making him lose balance and almost fall backwards. It was the old mage, friend of Primus.
"Hahahaha, You really know how to shatter expectations kid!"
"Well, I'm not really sure what was to be expected here? I mean, it looks like I've got two elements, that should be enough no?" Wilfred added inquisitively.
One of the Councillors on the right side had his hands in his hair, pulling them out and screamed at Wilfred.
"NO! Don't you see you daft idiot! They're only supposed to glow like the red one when you have an affinity to it! Even if I put my fucking hand on the pedestal it wouldn't glow like that for my strongest element!"
The mage started laughing hysterically, digging his fingers deeper into his head. His perception of power was completely shattered, years of studying and training to be eclipsed by an 8 year old. All other Councillors stood slack-jawed, their worlds shattered. Primus was the only one to react, slapping the hysterical mage in the face.
"Control yourself! What kind of impression do you think you're sending here!"
The mage seemed to have collected himself from the physical contact but swiftly left the room.
"Well, now that it is done. I do think he would fit in, even if it's late in the semester, into the first year's class."
The Councillors nodded absentmindedly, other matters occupying their minds in the moment.
"Come Wilfred, let me show you around. Oh, Henry, you can leave, we'll take care of your son, don't you worry."
Wilfred's father blinked rapidly, still processing the events that transpired and lumbered out, zombie-like.
Escorted by Primus, Wilfred toured the grounds of the academy, locating the most important buildings and areas. He would remain in the guest room currently as the Headmaster thought it might not be a good idea to have him stay with the other boys who were twice his age for now. When all was said and done, Primus addressed Wilfred once more.
"So, we'll have you start in the first year's class. Purely based on your stats, you might be more third year but you don't know any of the fundamentals yet. You might have a very strong affinity, but you can't put it into practice. Sounds about right?"
"Yeah pretty much. I am grateful for the tour and all the personal help."
Primus smiled a genuine happy smile.
"You're welcome. It's not often we get students such as you here. In fact, I may have been the last one. Now, start classes tomorrow, Geneve will bring you what you'll need. You're free to roam for now. "
He waved goodbye and casted a [Fly] spell, going up and disappearing from sight in next to no time. The academy grounds were vast, such magic being almost mandatory for instructors to navigate it swiftly.
I would have a lot to learn in the following days but I smiled also, I was finally excited about something.