Chapter 15

Unknown Location

Mordek increased his pace, now practically running down the corridor with glee. He found it! The number one ranked item on the list. Worried that he might drop it, he clutched it harder. With this, a promotion was assured. Even his superior would be impressed with his finding. The long years of waiting around the academy had finally paid off!

As soon as he had heard the rumor, he went to investigate. It was during the fights that he saw it. With a single hit, it almost killed a student even through a magic dampening field. Subtly asking around, he had found out it was a student named Wilfred who was the one that used it. Carefully planning his moves, he waited for the perfect moment when he would leave to go and search his room.

And the luck! He had not found just one but two!

A thought had crossed his mind at that time. He could have sold them to a neighboring country and be rich for the rest of his life. But he was scared. The society would stop at nothing to find him and make an example out of him. The safest best was to stay within the ranks. Mordek was not a devout follower, he didn't believe in the mission. It was a well paying job and it fit in his skillset. As a renegade spy; there weren't a lot of doors open to him.

Pushing open the tall main hall doors, Mordek made his way to the altar where a woman knelt praying. She was Arianna, Seneschal of the Society of the Video Game. She was the only one that reported directly to their leader, J'aymezh, the living God. Mordek was supposed to report to his direct superior usually, which is one of the five Anthypatos serving under Arianna, however he did not want anyone stealing the credit of his hard work.

Even though he may be punished for his lack of respect, he opted to go directly to the highest ranked superior he could.

Mordek always thought the society was a bit odd as a faction. It is both a religious cult and a personal army. The God that it worships is still alive and also head of the faction, a truly unique situation.

However, Mordek is not a religious man and cares little for faith, only serving the Society due to the strength of its leader. If J'aymezh was an actual God or not was irrelevant to Mordek. The fact that he was one of the strongest fighters in this world is what mattered most. With his own eyes, Mordek had seen the man kill one of the Deva, the mythical group that the 50 strongest of this world are part of. With a brutal hierarchy that promotes those who kill it's members into its rank, the Deva are said to control the strings behind the scenes.

Finished with her prayer, Arianna stood and faced the visitor into her sanctum.

"Ah, novice Mordek. What is so urgent that you must disturb my praying?"

The Seneschal was always polite and had a calm demeanour. From the look in her eyes however, Mordek could see she was upset and not to be trifled with. He would go straight to the point. He knelt and offered his package, wrapped in cloth, to her.

"I have found an item on the holy list, most revered seneschal. I thought only to bring it to you with utmost haste."

The Seneschals mood changed instantly, becoming more jovial and happy.

"Praise be! You should have said so sooner. It has been ages since we've been able to show our Lord how his task is being completed. Let us see now…"

Flipping the cloth over and revealing the two guns laying under, Arianna's mouth gasped open and she nearly dropped them. Stuttering, she addressed Mordek.

"C-can it be? Is it truly?"

All too proud, Mordek proclaimed.

"Yes. Rank 1 on the holy list, guns."

Fetching her own copy, the Society's holy book being this list, Arianna flipped the pages open until she reached the list and the descriptions of the wanted items.

"Did you see them being used?"

Mordek nodded positively.

"I must contact J'aymezh immediately then, this is quite the development. He will decide what we do next. Good work Mordek, your services will be rewarded." Arianna began a magic ritual at the altar, red light seeping from her and into the altar.

Mordek bowed and exited the room, a greedy smile on his lips.

*Back at the Academy*

Wilfred pulled aside Lucius and Lucy, finding a quiet corner to speak privately. Most of the students in attendance of the party were there to mingle, dance and drink to their heart's content. Which was another thing that was a bit of a cultural shock to Wilfred, no age requirements for drinking.

Argh, how do I explain this to them? Can I just be honest? I know I want to be. Will they believe me? If after all we've gone through and it turns out they aren't really my friends, I don't know what to say. Sighing, Wilfred made sure no one was around and quietly spoke to his friends.

"Alright, so here's the thing. I'm...not from this world, I was killed and I woke up in another body here. Now, in my world there's this thing called video games. A bit hard to explain without you knowing anything about technology but suffice to say it's just like playing normal games. So that means the person who made that group is very likely someone like me from my world who somehow ended up here."

There, it was finally out in the open. It felt like a large weight had been lifted off of Wilfred's shoulders. Both his friends were silent, processing the information they had just heard. Lucy was the first to speak.

"Huh...that kind of makes sense. Does explain your attribute anomaly. You're not really a genius, you're just an older person in a younger body."

What! This is what was bothering her?!

Lucius meanwhile, had also gone off a completely different direction.

"So wait a minute; does that make you our senior? Have I been disrespectful while talking to you?"

Wilfred pressed both of his hands against his face, opening his mouth in disbelief.

"That's all you have to say? This is the extent of what you're curious about?"

"Well, there's some things I'm curious about, yeah." Replied Lucius.

"But it can wait. Priority right now would be finding out who stole your weapons no?"

Lucius was right, Wilfred hated to admit. He'd have so many questions if they told him about some secret past or special ability though. Well, it seemed they believed him and that it did not change much in their view of him. That worked out good, Wilfred reflected.

"At any rate, we need more information." Lucy broke the awkward silence hanging over them.

"I highly doubt a random student did this to you Wilfred. You'll need to try and pry some information from these factions. There's bound to be a few here tonight, so try and enjoy the party and I'm sure you'll be approached. Meanwhile, me and Lucius will try to see if there were any witnesses to it. Some student could have heard or seen something. We'll meet up again later at your place?"

Wilfred was pleasantly surprised on how Lucy took charge and how her plan made sense. They all agreed and left to do their part.

The celebration was being held in the main reception hall of the academy, where they had done the written exam some days ago. Without all the chairs and tables, it was a rather large and elegant room. The decor felt a bit dated to Wilfred but almost everything in this world did. There were some great tapestries and paintings hung upon the walls, likely to convey the wealth and culture of this place to it's guests. As far as culture was concerned, sadly Wilfred was not aware of these artists.

The room was mostly occupied by happy first years and their families come to celebrate. Many mingled among themselves and the usual small talk could be heard if one pried their ear enough. This was one of the rare occasions where nobles, merchants and the common folks could be seen together. As such, this is where alliances and betrothals tended to happen. Wilfred looked up the statistics and on average, 90 % of students who passed the first year ended up able to do all four years. Whether that was based on merit or pushy parents remained to be seen.

But what this meant was that everyone in this room could reliably be expected to become strong and somewhat influential. Even the lowest army mage was something of an important figure. In this country with a little more than 5 million inhabitants, there is only 478 mages, which gives a rough estimate of a little less than 1 mage for every 1000 inhabitant. So it was only natural that offers for marriage, business ventures and all sorts of deals started here.

Admiring a painting, where a large battle was depicted and what appeared to be a noble being beheaded by a knight in shining armor, a figure came to stand next to Wilfred's side. It was an older man, dressed rather well for this evening and rather tall, compared to Wilfred. He spoke with a voice that let off a faint air of arrogance.

"Ahh, the battle of Tellanelli. We fought hard but could not hold it against Nansen. It was a long time ago, 237 years if i'm not mistaken. Janos is truly a great paint, he can really bring out the most primal of emotions to the surface. It was a shameful loss but we were outnumbered, outskilled and overconfident. Ah, allow me to introduce myself, Tybias Lanart, at your service."

The older gentleman bowed slightly, his posture perfect as he executed the bow. Wilfred returned the gesture as best he could and addressed him.

"Wilfred Lamarche, pleasure to make your acquaintance. What brings you here today?"

"My son Thomen is attending this year. I'll admit however, that I also like to see the new recruits. Gives me a good idea of what I'll be able to work with. We've heard much about you Wilfred, most of it good. I am not sure what your plans are for the future but the Mage Corps would like you to know that you would be most welcome in our ranks."

Ahh, you're gauging for interest.

"Ah, intriguing. I had thought of a career with the Mage Corps after our obligatory service of 4 years. I would love to sit down with you and ask a few questions, perhaps on another day where we are both less busy?"

Wilfred extended an open hand which Tybias took and both shook on it.

"Excellent. I'll have my people come in contact and we can schedule tea sometime in the next few weeks. It seems like the pleasure was mine Mr. Lamarche, until next time."

Tybias bowed once more, this time lower than before and he left to go talk to some other family.

Hmmm, he seemed sincere. I would highly doubt they'd steal from me then approach me and ask me to join their ranks. Worst case they would ask me first and if I refused then they would steal, if that's what they needed. Why burn a bridge when you don't know the answer yet?

Wilfred made his way around the room, making small talk when he saw a student he recognized. A few times the parents were surprised that such a young student was here at the academy but most of the nobles and merchants were already aware, word having of it having spread in their circles. Wilfred had to politely decline a few betrothal proposals from overzealous parents who had learned that he was a prodigy and that great things were expected of him.

Going outside for fresh air, Wilfred walked the perfectly manicured gardens. A few scattered lamp posts are all that illuminate the garden at this hour. Looking closely, Wilfred can see they are magically lit and not using oil or a candle. Who goes around lighting and turning off these things Wilfred questioned himself.

As he backs away from the lamppost, a shadow behind him makes him jump. Wilfred's senses tell him to scream but he abstains. If the figure wished him warm, it likely would have struct already. Stepping out from trimmed cedar hedge, a woman wearing black leather armor stands up and faces Wilfred.

Gulping hard, Wilfred initiates the conversation.

"Uh, Hello?"

The woman does not reply but fetches something from a satchel, handing it to Wilfred. Taking the item, a circular wooden box, Wilfred opens it by twisting the top off and inside resides a piece of paper. Looking up again to question the mysterious woman, Wilfred is unable to see her.

"Wow, she's gone just like that?" He can't help but say out loud.

Taking the paper and unfolding it, Wilfred reads:

Greetings. We are the Leganon Liberation Front and we've had our eyes on you for some time now. Surely you've seen how the nobles treat the common folk by now. Even those trying to serve their country are treated harshly. You also come from a background like most of us, isn't it time for a change? Why must the nobles rule while plenty of common folk are not only more capable but just as strong.

We think you could help us in achieving our goal of overthrowing this corrupt monarchy and we can also help you. As a sign of good will, we give you some information: A known associate of the Society of the Video Game was seen around your room by our agents. If you wish to assist us, come by the garden at night again, we will contact you. You should destroy this letter at the earliest convenience. ~ Natanyel

Finally, an answer! But with it, comes a million more questions. Ugh, why is this world trying to involve me in all of it's troubles?