His Back Was Facing Lin Chu As He Wiped Away The Falling Tears From His Eyes

Old Lady Yan had already brought Yan Beicheng and Lin Chu out as Old Master Yan rushed Yan Ningbai out the door.

However, Yan Ningbai ran back into his room and brought out a mini fan. "Wait. It's really hot out here, let me use this when I walk. Eldest Uncle, remember to shade me with the umbrella when we go out."

Old Master Yan, "…"

He was already so fair and white. If he did not get tanned, he would look like a little white pig.

Yan Ningbai sat at the entrance as he put on his shoes. His fat little fair arms pinched at the shoelaces as he tied them slowly. It looked so exhausting for him to tie them that it gave Old Master Yan the urge to help him.

It took Yan Ningbai a while to finally get ready. He turned on his mini fan and directed it at his neck to cool himself down while he followed Old Master Yan out the door.

Old Master Yan did not head to the supermarket immediately but instead brought Yan Ningbai to Central Lake.