This Is Just A Small Gift From Me, You... Please Don't Dislike It.

All this because Lu Weining had offended someone.

As for who she had offended, they suspected that it was the man whom Lu Weining had set her eyes on that was mentioned in the recording.

They figured that Lu Weining was a blessed girl, she was not an ordinary Miss Perfect (TN: The author used the word 白富美 which means fair-skinned, rich and beautiful to describe Lu Weining. It's Internet slang for Ms. Perfect.) either. Her family's wealth probably ranked first or second nationwide. She would have never laid her eyes upon an ordinary man.

The man that was able to make her disregarded her dignity, the one that she had to have by hook or by crook was perhaps a man superior than most in all aspects and probably equal to Lu Weining herself. Hence, the awkward situation that Lu Weining was faced with now was not surprising, it was possible that the man had found out about it and decided to teach her a lesson.