What Cannot Be Said Properly? You Want to Threaten People with Life?

"You…you…" The principal chest actually began to hurt. She felt some shortness of breath and bent over slightly. "What are you talking about? Lin Chu should help you because she has the ability to do so? Lin Chu never teased or provoked you, but you vilified her and got her into trouble time again and time again. At that time, why didn't you think about the friendship you and Lin Chu had shared since young? Why did you think that you could cause her so much trouble just because you're a reporter? Besides, those news pieces were obviously fake and fabricated, yet you still tried to publish them to cause her trouble. Your fake news has done a lot of damage Now that you're faced with a problem, you think about Lin Chu again. Why don't you use your brain to think about why Lin Chu would want to help you after what you've done? What did you do to deserve her help!"