This Is My Friend, Mo Jingsheng

After the firemen had opened the elevator doors, Yan Beicheng had seen the tears on Lin Chu's face. He was too afraid to imagine how scared she must have felt when she was trapped in the dark elevator.

It was like Lin Chu could tell what Yan Beicheng was feeling right then. She reached over and held Yan Beicheng's hand.

She took his hands in hers and slowly warmed them with her palms. It made him feel reassured and it assured Lin Chu as well.

Not long after, the phone in her handbag rang.

Lin Chu unwillingly let go of Yan Beicheng's hands. She planned to continue holding them after picking up the call.

She took out her phone from her handbag and saw that it was a string of strange numbers.

She answered the call, "Hello."

"Chu Chu, it's me, Jinxi." Jinxi was holding on to the handset of the black public telephone that was installed in the school.