I'm Wondering If I Should Meet Your Parents With You

For some reason, Xu Moyan's cols gaze made Tao Tingshan feel a little guilty. She maintained her sneer, but inwardly she cowered.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but we weren't together yet at the time. We were just friends, and he came to look for me because of something else. I hid it from you guys because his position is special, so even if I told you we were friends, you probably wouldn't believe me, and you'd probably think there was something between us anyway. I didn't say it because I wanted to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings. If it made you unhappy…" Xu Moyan paused and looked at Tao Tingshan.

Tao Tingshan thought that she would apologize, but to her surprise, Xu Moyan continued, "I won't apologize to you either. Who I date, how I date him, and when I started dating him, all of that is none of your business. I don't have to explain anything to you."