I’m Hungry Too, I’ll Get You Takeaway Once I’ve Had My Fill

Even then, his face still gave off a certain gentleness, meaning the image of him did not make him look stern at all.

It could be because she was quite a homebody, but even though the journey was quite moderate in length - not too near nor too distant - it still tired her out.

Xu Moyan yawned. She could not shake off her fatigue as her eyes teared up a little and some of her tears stuck to her eyelashes.

Her voice was a little nasal from being tired as she said, "Jin City might not look far but it's by no means a short journey. It didn't feel this way when I was at home, but the moment I came back here and relaxed for a second, my tiredness caught up with me."

She yawned again after saying this.

Wei Zilin saw that she was really tired and he reached out to wipe away the teardrops on her eyelashes. A warm feeling stirred in his heart when he saw how relaxed she was.