If you realize that you are no longer needed, that is when nobody can stop you leave...

If only, there is a misunderstanding...

"I'm home," Saranya walked past the living room and sat beside her father.

" why are you late? " he asked.

" extra class, papa," she was not

in a mood to talk. "I'm gonna go do my assignment," she was about to leave, when her father called her name.

" what have you decided, I mean after your high school," he questioned.

"I will let you know," she said with a lazy smile, pulling her loosely hanging bag onto her shoulder and left to her bedroom.

She cried breathlessly, lying on her bed. She cried silently that walls couldn't hear her. She cried endlessly that tears couldn't stop rushing from her eyes. Maybe she was upset.

That day Gaurav couldn't sleep...

And that was the last day he could have a proper sleep.

Seven years later

" yeah maa, I packed everything and bye I'm hanging now," Saranya hurried.

"beta, be careful and please don't get into any trouble," her mom was so worried because what she knows was, Saranya is not just a doctor.

" maa, it always follows me because i go to border, don't worry I will be safe, bye," she hung up the call.

That would be very difficult for  caring hearts to see their love always having a shadow called danger behind.

Saranya took that trouble just to find her love or that love was the only inspiration to find her dream....

"interns of respective wards, submit your forms at the reception and collect your kits," professor kulwant singh was standing at the elevation in front of the Armed Forces hospital...

The Jalandhar Armed Forces hospital is in collaboration with the local domestic hospital was recruiting post graduate interns for that year...

It was one of the most difficult tasks, being a doctor for thousands of soliders who protect the dreams of millions of people inside the country ...Saranya took this goal not to find Gaurav or just out her own interest..but the reason was the danger in the profession that makes you more responsible...

The hospital was well organized with inpatient units, out patient wards, consultation rooms,  wound management areas, special wards at times of any disaster or sudden war...but it was smaller than the barielly hospital which once she worked

It was a dream, ( dream of being a doctor) which became her goal  and goal which was achieved with thousands of days hard work and dedication.

The happiness after achieving your dream, that spark in the Saranya's eyes was evident...

"interns, just follow the posting rules and go to the respective wards for on duty and the interns in wound management duty, follow me," instructed the professor, Saranya and two boys stood in front of him.

"OK, doctors, we are going to nearby town, pathankot, just a small emergency in the Air Force station there," professor singh walked fast with the interns following him.

That year pathankot had experienced multiple grenade explosions in the Air Force base...

Love is not any strange thing. If you had given your heart in that love and couldn't hold the relationship but the person is worth it and holds the strings tightly hoping that you will ever come back...you see in this kind of love, destiny always paves  way for them...

"what are you doing? doctor!  focus!!!" Saranya was shocked,  her hands were trembling and the gauze slipped her hands...

That was Gaurav laying on the stretcher and burns on shoulder and chest with blood oozing out... A tear slipped her eyes...

"doctor!! " professor singh shouted..."I'm sorry, sir," she said in a low voice and picked up a new gauze....

"need something!" the nurse came shouting.

"need 2units of Opositive in here," she let out a heavy breath and started to clean the wounds...

Destiny plays it's role everytime, if that person is more important in our lives... Saranya hoped she could meet gaurav one day but not in this condition...

" tell me doctor, prognosis ?" professor questioned her. Saranya was not in this world. Maybe she was worried.

"huh! Diagnosis- hypovolemic shock due to burns," she couldn't raise her voice," he would be better by tomorrow, sir."

She excused herself and went outside for some fresh air... Uncontrollable tears rolled down her cheeks... She cares for that one person, whom she had been loving for years...

'I love you, gaurav,' she cried, ' maybe I can't expect anything in return.'

It was a sparkling sunny day in the air station... Saranya had to attend the soliders who are injured in the explosion. She saw that the Gaurav was missing..

" nurse!! Where is patient no21?" she asked.

" the chief has ordered his return doctor, " she informed.

" but!! " she paused because the nurse left the place already,' the wounds are still raw.'

Three months passed by and there is no sign of breeze or any sign of gaurav...

" Saranya, do me a favor, just follow up this history and submit the case sheets by evening," Dr singh hurried up to the consultation room.

She was working on the case sheets when someone appeared in front of her.

" my wounds are oozing out pus" Gaurav had that silent smile on his face.

" this is not a consultation room.  here is the slip, go straight and take left, " she said emotionless.

"and if you need any help, I'm here," she said with a wide grin on her face.

Gaurav turned back to see her going back to work. He smiled and turned the consultation slip to his surprise he saw,

' meet me at the shivan temple 5:00'

Gaurav was so happy that he saw her again. After his physical examination in defense academy, he tried to contact her but couldn't reach. He really wanted to tell how he felt, but couldn't. It was his ambition that was important. He doesn't want to create any hopes in her. But everytime he thought of her, it was her smile that flashes in his mind.

" you are here finally," he saw her coming from a distance.

" Gaurav," she stood at a distance.

" you know I like this place," she said elated.

" I'm happy that I saw you again," Gaurav said silently.

She said smiling, " you know Gaurav I always had a dream.  That dream I wanted to see with you. That dream which always remembers me of you... "

She paused.  Gaurav held her hand, " I had this dream almost every day. you smiling at me and  running your hands into hair and you holding my hands," tears rolled down her cheeks, " one day I couldn't dream of you,  you are not the daily thought any more. It feared me. I thought I would lose you and always wanted to be your memories,  so I took this profession. I also wanted take the danger. I also wanted to see what made you stay for seven... " she paused, " seven bloody years!!! Gaurav,  I thought of you every minute."

she broke down into tears. Her whole body was shaking and she cried again. "

Tears let their way down gaurav's face. He took her into his hands, hugged her tight, " shh!! calm down, I'm still here, don't cry."

She cried harder, " I missed you."

"Saranya," he called and took her face into his hands and placed a gentle kiss over forehead.

" I promise, that was the last time," he hugged her.

She smiled.

We have different definitions of love...

Every definition has its own story...

Love is all about destiny.....