The Re:Birth

As I felt a gong going off in my head I woke up and started looking around me only to find my self in what appeared to be a dark void no life could be seen around me only the black void but something startled me.

"Hello child of my creation it seems you have just come to"

Sukong-" W...who are"

"I am what you mortals call a god I am one of many but I stand at the top"

Sukong-"So does this mean I'm dead?"

God-"Yes you are dead it's sad to say a time rift opened up at the building you were at and I was in the process of fixing it when you ran into the rift so when it closed only your soul was left so I brought it into the world of gods"

Sukong-"So this means I really am dead"

God-"Child of mine it was my mistake that you had died but I'm willing to give you 2 options

Option A- you can choose to reincarnate in a world of your choosing along with 3 wishes

Option B- I send your soul into heaven and let you live out your life in eternity

What ever you choose I will do it as long as it is in my power so choose wisely my child"

Sukong-"You said any world correct?"

God"Yes along with 3 wishes"

I can finally reincarnate in the Douluo Dalu world maybe dying was a great thing but sadly I didn't get the chance to loose my virginity before death.

God-"Have you made your choice child of mine"

Sukong-"If I choose option A am I allowed to craft my new body into my choosing"

God-"Child of mine since you lived your 29 years of life with never having sex and stayed a virgin and your soul is pure enough I will allow it"

'(Dejected) you didn't have to say that it's not my fault I didn't lose it no one wanted it after seeing it my member was only 2 inches long'

Sukong-"I shall choose option A then"

God-"Good child what shall you want as your wishes then"

Sukong-"I would like

•To be reincarnated in the Douluo Dalu story and the same year as Tang San was born

•Mini world where I can go into to cultivate as I see fit I would like it to be time based so time flows differently and I can store objects living creatures and cultivate plant life in the world

•I would like 2 martial spirits if you allow it

-Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear

-Tree of Life

Those are my 3 wishes I hope you approve"

God"I approve on the first wish as the second wish I will allow it but you will be subjected to only staying in the world for 10 hours a day plus only your soul not your physical body will be allowed in, the real world the time difference is 2 hours in the mini world to 1 in the real world but with every rank you increase it will double as the third wish I would like to know why you chose them out of all things you could have asked for?"

Sukong-"I chose the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear because of its vast power of pure strength as for the Tree of life it will be able to be an auxiliary system that can produce fruit for boosting a healing effects that's why I chose it"

God-"Alright I will approve of it now that your wishes has been made it is time for you to construct your body with your imagination and it will be set the moment you say you are done I will reincarnate you so create your body my child"

Sukong-" Ok thank you now as for my body let's see

•Height of 6'11

•Golden hair and eyes

•14 inches of manhood

•Flawless jade like skin

That is what I chose god"

God-"I would love to know why you chose the size of your member?"

Sukong-"Because I kept writing about harem fantasy stories when I was still alive and in this life I will create a harem!"

God-"Ok good choice I myself has a harem of 100 different gods so before I send you to your new world what would you like your setting to be?"

Sukong-"I would like to be found by an elderly titled douluo but still giving me my original name"

God-"Child of mine it has been a pleasure to see and speak with you in these few abrupt moments I shall start creating your body along with your wishes I wish you find happiness in the next world and before you go I have added something in your mini world I'm sure you will like it as I've seen your memories but now is time child you shall awaken when the process is done in your new world goodbye my son"

With that last goodbye I was once again covered in darkness.