Life’s New Journey

Cicely brought me along with my mother's body back to her house which was on the outskirts of Nuoding city it was a simple 2-story home with a large backyard.

She took me to rest while she went to bury my moms body I still couldn't control the rage I had gotten from seeing the man injure her if I was older and stronger I would have been able to protect her.

As I lay there I start to get the feeling of my body and as I remember god saying he has given me a gift in my mini world I couldn't wait to find out so I start to feel for it as I'm trying it out for the first time.

It feels as if I lost connection with my body as I'm teleported into my world as I start to look around I see a lake in the middle of the world with a sign from god saying "Child of mine when you reach rank 90 in your world you shall receive my gift but until then goodbye" and with that the sign disappeared I walk up to look at myself in the lake I have short golden hair with golden eyes that would make any woman blush but alas I'm still just a child.

I start making a plan till I'm 6 years old and unlock my twin spirts

•Train my body for the next 6 years to the utmost extreme I can without making Cicely notice

•Start cultivating a herb/vegetable garden in this world as it will be grown with the dense spirit in the atmosphere and it's a quick way to make money

•Start raising some animals for me to eat/keep as a pet for when I'm traveling

•Cultivate my spirit power so I'm capable of reaching rank 10 by the time of my spirit awakening ceremony

Now with all that said and done let's train for the next 6 years.


In these last 6 years I've grown up to 3'7 tall with jade like skin that any girl would dream of having my golden locks of hair has grown past my shoulders my golden eyes have gain clarity making women 4-5x my age blush seeing me giving me the nickname 'Goldie'.

My strength training has reached a blockage as I focused on cultivating for the last year now.

I started out my pets with a few rabbits and birds for pets but now I the rabbits have grown accustomed to me when seeing me they will walk up and chase me around until I give them a couple carrots or lettuce but most of the time they will sit on my lap the birds will sit on my shoulders when I'm cultivating making it look like I'm one with nature.

My herb/vegetable garden has grown amazing these last few years as when I turned 3 I started sneaking plant seeds in my realm to grow I even planted an apple and, cherry blossom trees by the lake where the spirit energy is the densest I even have some fish living in it lake.

My vegetable garden has grown tremendously they are better than anything I've seen in the market when I was shopping with Cicely.

Speaking of Cicely she raised me like her own grandson but when she seen me katow my head in front of my moms grave when I turned 4 she was worried about me so I had to tell her I remember the night that my mom died.

She was worried so I hugged her saying

"I know she is my mom and I will always love her for the brief moment I had seen her and I know she had asked you to raise me but as long as I'm still alive in this world you will always be my grandma and I will be your grandson I love you".

She broke out in tears as I said that but it was the happiest moment of her life we stayed hugging in front of the grave for half an hour before she wiped away her tears and kissing my forehead saying "Thank you for that my little one".

In these past 6 years I've started wearing body weights when training currently I'm at 20 pounds in each arm and leg and 10 in the chest.

Oh how these 6 years have gone by and tomorrow Cicely said she would open up my spirt tomorrow before I go to Nuoding academy for the next 6 years of studying.

I went to bed as it was getting dark out and tomorrow I can finally start my path of cultivation I went into my world to tend to my fields and trees before cultivating for the remainder of my time.

It was early in the morning the sunlight woke me up from hugging a pillow with drool running down my face I quickly got up to wash myself because today is the day I unlock my spirits I ran into the kitchen to see Cicely cooking a simple breakfast saying "Eat up and then we will begin the ceremony" I took my time eating because I know today my life will change.