Are You Even Human

The bushes started to part as a 2,000 year old titan gorilla walked through all while I'm protecting teacher and brother i started thinking ''Just my fucking luck''

I noticed Tang San waking up I instantly crouch down in front of him as soon as he opened his eyes

Sukong-"Tang San I'm going to need you to stay quiet and don't turn around there's a 2,000 year old titan gorilla at least 60 meters behind us I'm going to fight it protect teacher he's currently absorbing his new ring I got him don't let me down"

San-"Alright brother I'll protect teacher you be careful"

I just nodded before taking off in a run after the ape I instantly activate my first spirit ring before it turns around our fists meet and I'm pushed back by 3 meters before I start grinning as I know I'm going to have fun

We start exchanging blow for blow as I feel a sweetness in the back of my throat as I spit out some blood the ape starts grinning before getting caught off guard as I deliver a powerful blow to its head its instantly knocked down before I deliver the final blow to its temple as I take out a knife that I used to kill the beasts with Cicely

A purple spirit ring started floating up as I get in the lotus position to absorb it I can feel my body stretching and contracting as my muscles instantly feel like I just hit with a punch from a 10,000 year old beast

6 full hours is what it took to absorb the spirit ring as I slowly open my eyes to see grandmaster and Tang San looking me like a monster I stand up feeling a cool breeze all over my body as I realize I'm currently naked before pulling out a robe and wrapping it around my body

Sukong-"Sorry about that heh heh"

GM/San-"Are you even human"

Sukong-"Yes I am why?"

GM-"You had a punching match with a 2,000 year old Titan Gorilla then killed it to absorb its spirit ring that's 1,500 years over the limit but if I didn't see it with my own eyes even your body started growing at an indescribable pace when you were getting it"

I look at my body to find out I'm over 5'4 tall my muscles look like they were forged with steel just from the sheer force they can emit

Sukong-"Well I feel incredible my second spirit ring boosts my strength up by 25% and increases my speed by 20% by stacking my first ring makes it a total of 40% I'm capable of fight a rank 40 spirit ancestor and might even come out on top but I just can't stand this fur my body grows"

GM-"Tang San what is your spirit ring ability?"

San-"Mine is bund I can use the river grass like a snake and constrict an opponent while releasing the Duatras snakes venom on the enemy"

GM-"Those are both great abilities to have especially you Tang San, Wu Sukong what is your current spirit power at?

Sukong-"I'm at the 22nd level I should hit 25 when I get my second ring on my tree"

GM-"Do you want to get one now or wait to get it so you can absorb a higher level ring?"

Sukong-"I'll go ahead and get one as I've think I sensed my next ring it's also at 2,000 years old it's a Fire Lion I believe it got knocked over when I punched the ape I'll kill it hear and absorb it's ring"

As I proceeded to search for the lion before bringing it to teacher and Tang San as they watched me absorb it the process went smoother than the apes as it took only 2 hours

As I woke up and expected my body my hair is currently longer than Xiao Wus as my face has also aged to about 12 years old

Sukong-"Teacher it's done and my second rings ability is also a plus it produces a persimmon fruit that boosts attacking power by 15% on the person that eats it while also cleansing the persons blood"

GM-"So the first ring recovers spirit power while cleaning out impurities while the second cleans the persons blood if my hypothesis is correct then every spirit ring you get will produce a fruit that cleanses the body"

Sukong-"I agree with you teacher and Tang San when we get back to the academy I'll let you eat them to help cleanse your body so you can cultivate at a faster pace"

San-"Thank you brother Wu and no matter how I look at it you don't look 6 years old"

Sukong-"I know but for the next half a year I'll probably slowl down on cultivation and focus on training my body, if you want you can join?"

San-"What did you have in mind?"

Sukong-"A 10 kilometer run for the warm up with body weights and then 1,000 each push ups pull ups and sit ups before finishing it off with a 5 kilometer jog"

Tang San and grandmaster looked at me like I was a monster especially because I'll be wearing body weights while doing it

GM-"Lets get ready before heading back to the academy and when we get back Tang San go and get your essence level checked out now let's head back"