Rage of Monster

As they began getting into a formation I stood by the side waiting for it to finish

Wuji-"Ain't you going to fight?"

Sukong-"No I'll fight you alone after them"

Zhao Wuji just nods

Sukong-"Tang San you can remove your body weights I expect a win or your getting a regular training course"

As he just shivers of the mention of training he begins to remove his body weights and stores them in his belt

Wuji-"So you wear body weights very good I expect a fight now begin and don't hold back"

As he actives his first spirit ability

Tang San uses his grass to bind him to seep the poison of the duatra snake in him as Rongrong activates her speed and attack boost on Zhuqing and Xiao Wu they begin attacking him with speed until he can't take it anymore as he activated his real guard but before he can Tang San shoots an arrow and hitting he's chest disrupting his real guard

Zhao Wuji gets angered as San disrupted his guard as he activated his 4th ability shooting his vigorous vajra palm at San but misses him and hitting an empty field

As he kept launching palm strikes the girls kept him from hitting Rongrong as the seconds went by the hourglass fell empty

Sukong-"Ok that's enough time is up"

As Zhao Wuji stopped attacking and the girls came to a stop along with Tang San

San-"Did we pass?"

Wuji-"Yes you passed since you all lasted till the glass fell empty, now boy are you ready to fight me?"

Sukong-"Sure Tang San reset the glass"

Tang San just nods as I step up to face teacher Zhao he immediately launched a punch at me which I just dodge to the side

We've already exchanged over 100 blows so far as I kept dodging making him grow angered

Wuji-"Damn kid didn't your parents teach you to attack fucking worthless"

Sukong-"What did you just say to me"


The moment he said that rage filled my eyes as Snowy immediately ran to Xiao Wu scared for what's about to happen as bloodlust leaks out from my body this is the angriest I've gotten since crippling them spirit douluos at least they didn't call my mother worthless only mocked them

Tang San and Xiao Wu immediately are washed over in a cold sweat as they know what happens when you mention and mock my mom

San/Wu-"Oh no he shouldn't have said that"

Mu Bai and the others realized that Tang San and Xiao Wu are acting weird

Bai-"What's wrong with you two all he did was mention his parents?"

San-"Teacher Zhao just touched his reverse scale the last time it happened he left 7 spirit douluos crippled in a city"

Rong-"What but that's a rank 80 spirit master, how could he do that he's only 12?"

Wu-"Look behind him"

As they all gather there eyes on me and feel the killing intent and see 7 spirit rings

• 1 Yellow

• 3 Purple

• 3 Black

They all gasp in horror as I'm am a rank 78th spirit master with at my age

Sukong-"There are two things you never touch and that's my wife and my parents because if you do you'll only end up dead"

As I activate my first 3 rings giving me a 70% attack and 50% speed boost

My speed can't be watched as I vanish and appear in front of Zhao Wuji as my furry fist meets his chest as he's launched back over 300 meters

Bai-"He's a rank 70 spirit master why didn't you all say this?"

Wu-"Because he only goes all out if you provoke his reverse scale which is his mom he's a rank 78th attack type spirit sage a group of 7 spirit douluos provoked him and he crippled everyone one of them his one punch broke all there bones"

San-"His spirit is a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear teacher told me that a 10,000 year version can fight 100,000 year beasts to a draw and from what I know he's even fought a titled douluo for 72 hours and neither of them came out on top so they agreed to postpone the fight but if we don't stop this fight teacher Zhao might die from his rage"

As he said that I activated my spirit avatar as a suit of golden furry armor grew on my body my hands changed into bear claws each nail sharp enough to cut steel the sheer force of strength in the avatar is enough to contend with a rank 96 titled douluo

As I begin my barrage of punches on his body and hearing the bones break in his arms that were desperately trying to block my punches I see his deathly pale face and begin laughing as I launch a kick sending him out of the school grounds to the road back to the city

Multiple exam teaches and Flander showed up to see why a massive amount of spirit power was released only to see me punching Zhao Wuji

Flander-"What's going on here?"

Bai-"Principal teacher Zhao angered a new student so he's the student is currently punishing him"

Flander-"What a new student but he's fighting with a spirit sage"

Bai-"Yes I know that he said something about worthless parents and, Tang San what do you mean by he touched his reverse scale?"

San-"When we were in primary academy we went to his home during vacation only to learn that his mother was killed and he was adopted and a few weeks ago when we were traveling 7 spirit douluos disrespected his mom so he crippled them and left them for dead"

Flander-"Oh no Zhao Wuji might die someone stop him"

As the ran after me I wasn't finished with Zhao Wuji I started kicking him like a happy sack as he screamed in horror until the others caught up and seen me use him as a toy beating him

Everyone-"Stop before you kill him"

Wu-"Sukong please stop before you kill him if you don't I will end it right here and now"

As a knife appeared in her hands she held it up against her throat clearly threatening me if I didn't stop she would kill herself

I stop kicking him before grabbing him by the collar and roaring in his face before throwing him at Flander as I appear in front of Xiao Wu before grabbing the knife as It gets crushed in my grip

Sukong-"If you ever threaten me again I'll go down with you"

As I pull her in my embrace and undo my transformation

Sukong-"Flander keep him away from me for a while and feed him this it'll regrow all his broken bones and hears a letter from the grandmaster"

As I activate my second spirit and produce a banana before throwing it at him along with a letter as I grab Xiao Wu and Snowy before disappearing from sight

Flander-"He's the new student?"

Bai-"Yes why?"

Flander-"Because yesterday he destroyed the shop I'm running in the city"

San-"Principal if I was you I was you I would hurry up and feed teacher Zhao that banana because he just broke every bone in his arms he's shattered both legs and pelvis along with 4 broken ribs the others are fractured"

Flander is immediately worried as he begins to feed Zhao Wuji as they watch all broken and shattered bones reconstruct before there eyes

As he wakes up from the pain of having his bones grow back Zhao looks around for me before sighing knowing he just escaped a calamity

Wuji-"Why didn't you all stop him sooner I thought I was going to die"

San-"Thats because we can't handle him he's fought a titled douluo before and unless a rank 97 or above appears we can't stop him only Xiao Wu or his adoptive grandmother can if you didn't say those words to him you wouldn't have ended up like this he's a rank 78th pure attack type spirit sage"

Flander-"Zhao Wuji stay away from him for a while we don't need him having another war in the academy with you but after he's the one who mended your broken bones now everyone disperse"

As Flander disappeared to his office to read the letter everyone but Tang San and Ning Rongrong had a look of horror in there eyes as they seen what happens when you mess with me

Rongrong was in her own thoughts thinking about how handsome he was and how her clan will only let her marry if she can find someone who will protect her with their strength

As Flander appeared in his office he began reading the letter teacher wrote him before sighing