Sight Seeing

A blink of an eye... that's all it takes.

A split second when the human eye closes and quickly opens up. A blink, an action of many cases. A blink can refresh sight, opening new perspectives. Looking through good memories and happy times. A blink can also miss, losing chances. Unable to capture beautiful moments and wonderful opportunities. A blink, can't be avoided, can't be escape from. Sometimes you need a little darkness to see the light better.

My name is Shawn. My friends refer me as "S". I'm a Sight Seeker, well, that's what I call myself. Pretty sure you're wandering, "What's a Sight Seeker?" A Sight Seeker is someone who can see certain scenes of everything around him or her. What scenes you ask? Let me tell you.

Have you ever got an idea, of another Realm? An alternative reality almost similar to ours? If you got that idea, that is the scenes I am referring to. No, not dimensions, I meant realms.

Our whole existance has five primary realms. Five different realms depending upon one another.

The realm where we are standing now is called the Realm of Reality. There are other realms that I know of. Realm of Light, Fright, Blight, and lastly Lost. All these realms, I, and I alone can see them. Might be new and still learning from these things, I am the only one who could do such. The only guy who could go sight seeing realms. I AM, the Sight Seeker.