

The night is Cold and the Castle can be seen from Afar due to the well lit lamps and guards holding torches, catapults are in place and troops are gathering, each bearing the Insignia of COUNT VLADISLARUS DRACULA. Lord of Transylvania and protector of the cross and Christian faith.

He is preparing for war and his beautiful queen Isabel is seen beside the throne and royal advisors are sitting in front of the Lord Dracula. They seem to be making battle plans. This is Dracula's 1000th battle in the name of the lord on his quest to vanquish evil.

His son Velkan sits on his Father's right hand. He is just a teenager.

The priest walks in and bows to the king before delivering a strong message to the Lord Dracula. He started "Milord the choices you make tonight will shape your life forever"

He bows and then leaves Dracula to wander in his thoughts.

Little did Count know, this was the last He would see of his wife and his son..


My name is Bamawo Osayande Christian, and this is my POV on what truly happened that day in Transylvania..

This is Dracula's Story Composed by me and it's all Fiction.

"this publication can only be copied with my permission"

Chapter 1 coming soon....