Desire to Conquer

Jason was the world's biggest arms dealer and the world's number one terrorist. However, he only laughed after listening and it was obvious from the way he talked that they were old friends.

He could even dig up the most confidential news of Ye Chen and Louis smuggling diamonds.

Who on earth was he?

According to the international arrest warrant, the top three people were Jason, Chu Li, and Black J. After a round of elimination, it seemed like none of them was him.

It was obvious that he meant no harm. In fact, he seemed to like Ye Chen.

Although they were separated by the screen, Third Young Master Ye could feel the kindness and liking transmitted to him.

It was a very special feeling.

His befuddled mood due to the banquet and Cheng Anya was now surprisingly calmed. His whole body was relaxed.

Was Louis ungrateful, capricious, and selfish?