
The older Ye always talked to Ye Chen in a commanding manner, and Ye Chen was used to it.

To hear the older Ye speak this urgently was extremely uncommon.

The older Ye would never look for Ye Chen had there been no emergency.

"I am very busy now!" Ye Chen refused as he looked up at the operating theatre. Although Bai Ye was operating on Anya and said that Anya would be fine, Ye Chen still felt uneasy. Even on the operating table, the doctor had no control over life and death. He had to wait until the surgery was successful.

Only then would Ye Chen be relieved.

"Come home right now!" The voice of the old man sharpened and there was a hint of anger in it.

Ye Chen was puzzled. What was wrong with him?

Thinking about recent happenings, apart from Ye Yutang's fiasco, it seemed that nothing else important had happened.

Ye Chen coldly said, "Father, I am busy now. We'll talk tonight!"