
"Ye Chen, how are you?" Cheng Anya helped him sit on the bed. Third Young Master Ye maintained the same position for a while without moving and one drop of his sweat dripped on the back of Anya's hand.

Broken, splattered.

It must really hurt!

Cheng Anya's heart tightened. She was so afraid that his bones might have been broken by the old master.

"Damn bi*ch, you're too presumptuous! Believe it or not, I will kill you in one shot!" Old Master Ye raged with anger. He didn't expect Ye Chen to pounce over to save her.

Old Master Ye pointed at Cheng Anya with his crutch, trembling, like one of those tyrannical slave owners in the feudal era.

A typical image of a tyrant.

It seemed like the damn girl was quite important to him. He had never seen his son doing this much for a person over these ten years of keeping an eye on him.

He knew that he had to grab the opportunity to make use of it.