
The evening lights were lit. The night sky added a hue of magnificent color to the city.

The night sky of a city was always filled with hot and dry beauty. Even at night, the heat and dryness in the day did not subside. It showed a sense of heavy mysteriousness, making people want to explore.

Inside an elegantly decorated French restaurant, Yun Ruoxi sat beside the window. She looked down at the heavy traffic on the street through the window, and her gentle face had a trace of sadness.

She was wearing a light yellow dress, soft but not losing pureness. Her delicate brows were as if they were painted by the most famous artist in the world. It looked so perfect under the lights, perfect sadness.

This kind of women was the best at stimulating men's desire to protect them. She was feminine, melancholy, and a bit sad. It made people want to give them the best gem in the world in exchange for their smile.