
Why did everyone ask this? What was her motive?

Old Master Ye asked this and so did Yun Ruoxi. They had thought of what her motive was before asking her and waiting for her to reply so that they could rebut her. After that, they could ridicule and deride her as they wished. Was this meaningful?

Usually, in campy dramas, when a third party was involved in the relationship of others and the wife went to confront the mistress, what would the mistress do?

Number one, act as if she was very pathetic to gain the empathy of others. She would promise to leave the man without demur. This was the feminine type. Number two, she would be very arrogant and claimed that she was the mistress without restraint. She would put her hands on her hips, as if telling the wife that there was nothing the wife could do to her. Her momentum would be very strong, signaling the wife to go away since the man belonged to her. This was the doughty type.