
Cheng Anya secretly thought to herself. It turned out that Third Young Master Ye was not free to visit the hospital as he was busy trying to destroy the Yun Enterprise. It had only been two days and the Yun Enterprise was already collapsing? Was it really that weak?

Or did the third young master make use of other powers?

If Third Young Master Ye was determined to destroy the Yun Enterprise, Old Master Ye would definitely not stop him as his original plan was to wait for the right timing to take over the Yun Enterprise after Ye Chen and Yun Ruoxi's marriage so that he could expand MBS. Secondly, Third Young Master Ye was domineering. If he dared to take action against the Yun Enterprise, he would definitely destroy it. Since Old Master Ye would achieve his goal no matter what, why would he stop him?

Old Master Ye must have refused to see him. That was why Old Master Yun had no choice but to send Yun Ruoxi over to beg Cheng Anya for help.