
It was a long-lasting battle between MBS International and Yao Hua!

According to Cheng Anya's analysis of the situation, she expected that there would be one party at a disadvantage within four or five days, and then the situation of them being evenly matched would be broken. One of them would lose confidence and retreat unless it turned to somebody more powerful for help. Otherwise, it would be quickly destroyed and swallowed by its opponent.

However, after a week had passed, the situation was still the same. They were still evenly matched and no one had backed off.

They were fighting in a very weird way of confrontation!

The crisis of the Yun family had been lifted with the help of Yao Hua. Although the Yun Enterprise's strength was greatly damaged, they had a relatively complete management system, a healthy operating system, and ample sources of funds after all. Hence, it was not a problem for them to regain their status gradually.