
This was such a big deal to MBS that even Old Master Ye was alarmed!

It seemed like he didn't expect that someone would attempt to assassinate Third Young Master Ye. His movements were so bold that he bombarded MBS' entrance in broad daylight. Although Third Young Master Ye had directed this to the terrorists in order to gain sympathy and reduce the negative impacts, Cheng Anya knew that Old Master Ye had called in to check on the image of MBS instead of being worried about Third Young Master Ye. A warning would be given as well.

Cheng Anya wasn't like her past self anymore. She did not worry about Third Young Master Ye's mood swings that much. Since the last time they talked at the balcony, he did not rage anymore and had learned how to control his emotions. Even if he was called back to the Ye family by Old Master Ye, he was really calm!