
As Yang Xing carried Ye Chen back to the Yang family, Yang Yun was enraged. After Yang Xing escaped, Yang Zekun's parents were on a private plane to attend to company matters in London when the plane exploded mid-flight and killed the couple.

He wanted to pin the blame on Ye Zhenhua as traces suggested that Ye Zhenhua had arranged for somebody to plant explosives on the plane and kill his only son. With no concrete proof, he could not accuse Ye Zhenhua.

Ye Zhenhua was enraged as he had lost a son, and his daughter bore a son for Ye Zhenhua. With a whip in hand, he whipped little Ye Chen who was seriously ill!

That year, the five-year-old Yang Zekun was upstairs. He bewilderedly looked at his merciful and respected grandfather whip the weak boy.

That same year, the four-year-old Ye Chen was living on the edge of life and death. He remembered his mother's cries and Yang Yun's terrifying face!