Ah Chen

As Third Young Master Ye was one who walked the talk, Liu Xiaotian and Guan Rutong did not dare to disobey and really ordered 9999 roses to pile up the entire floor. All the roses in City A were almost sold out that day.

MBS International was a spectacular scene that afternoon as bouquets upon bouquets of roses were brought to the top floor.

Cheng Anya could not keep up her smile!

She helplessly saw the pale-colored floor being colored rose-red.

She tried to convince Third Young Master Ye to change his mind, but he coldly replied that he liked it!

He had a cold look and an arrogance that wanted to duke it out with Louis for her favor. Had Cheng Anya tried to add another word, she would have stopped her in her tracks, speechless.

'Third Young Master Ye, this is not the way to spend money even if you are so damn romantic!'