
Wei Wei?

Did he just call me Wei Wei?

'Why? Does he know me?' Ye Wei's eyes widened amidst the chaos in her mind. How was it possible for Third Young Master Ye to know her? He never existed in her memory, and few people saw her actual look.

But how did he accurately call out her name?

In spite of her willful and carefree like, Ye Wei stood still, not knowing what to do. It was rare for her to be caught off guard.

"Do you know me?" Ye Wei asked softly. "I do not know you."

"Are you called Wei Wei?"

Ye Wei nodded. She was called Ye Wei as her name was on the pendant. The pendant was the only thing on her after all these years. He had checked on her, but all her memories began in the underground fight clubs in Thailand. She made her debut at six and was scouted, abducted, and trained to become the Ye Wei she was today.

Since all trails and memories of her went cold, he went with it and stopped the investigation.