
Once Ye Wei and Eleven left the hotel, they were tailed by someone. They saw two cars pursuing their car relentlessly through the back view mirror. Ye Wei rolled down the window, chambered her weapon, and fired a shot at the pursuing car's rearview mirror.

A crisp and slightly bright 'ting' was made as the bullet contacted the car window. The bullet left a trace on the window that remained. "It sure is bulletproof." Ye Wei whistled.

Eleven changed the route and brought the car onto a secluded road. "Wei Wei, our car is not bulletproof."

"I know. Let's tease Uncle Black a little as he won't dare to shoot." Ye Wei laughed alluringly as they made a turn and Eleven floored the brakes. Once the car stopped, she and Ye Wei quickly got out of the car. Eleven stood coldly as Ye Wei leaned against the car gorgeously, looking at the two cars that followed the bend and came for them. Black Eagle was shocked and stepped on the brakes, leaving skid marks on the road.