
The shareholders' meeting carried on.

As Third Young Master Ye's announcement of his resignation ended, Ye Zhenhua was forced to nominate Louis as MBS International's next president. While this was part of Ye Zhenhua's plans, putting them into practice made him feel helpless. He sharply realized that things had departed from his intended plans and moving in an unknown direction. This unknown change would utterly wreck his life's work.

Ye Zhenhua suddenly realized that letting Third Young Master Ye run MBS International was not too bad a decision. Although he was rebellious, proud, and hated him, he was, however, a management guru that few could match up to.

Although Third Young Master Ye did not like him and he already had plans to replace Third Young Master Ye following the latter's disobedience, Old Master Ye, at his juncture, felt that MBS International without Third Young Master Ye would start to decline. MBS International's decline was not what he wanted.