
The blazing sun bore down on the beach and the warm sea breeze lapped at the shore, but Cheng Anya only felt a cold shudder through her as though she was drenched in a bucket of cold water. Louis seemed to become that devil in a long robe that revealed its teeth, about to pounce down on her.

When he said that he 'had ways aplenty to make your lives living hell', he said it with gentle cruelty that sent shivers through Cheng Anya as she panicked even more. If Louis was hell-bent on making their lives a living hell, he had accomplished just that.

She had never been this panicked and helpless before. She was unable to feel anything else except sadness and hatred. With her body in such a shape, she could not go far. And even if Ye Chen came, which she was suddenly afraid of, he could not touch her if he had to get her out.

Once he touched her, his countdown began.