
The young kid's heart sank as she looked at him. He had a bad feeling about this. It was obvious that Xu Nuo's eyes were filled with hesitation and he could understand that the call must be related to him. Xu Nuo put down the phone and looked at him. "Change your clothes."

"What happened?" he asked. Xu Nuo frowned and acted as if she was deep in thought. She ignored Ning Ning but Ning Ning saw her taking out a computer and his eyes were rounded.

Xu Nuo had lied that she did not have a computer. However, her actions were skilled, so she must have lied just now.

"Where did second brother go?" She murmured to herself as her jade-like face looked solemn. She slammed the computer and threw it back into the drawer. She turned back and saw the young kid looking at her computer longingly. Xu Nuo said again, "Change your clothes."