
Mo Jue looked at Ye Wei intently. Under the sun, a pair of purple eyes was bright and clear as a newborn baby's. They were pure, thorough, and not stained by the evilness of the world. In addition, he was handsome in appearance. At first sight, they looked really amazing.

Ye Wei had a special appreciation for beauty, but she had seen all kinds of beauties in her life. She had been acting nonchalantly, having her own way all her life, and had never stopped for anyone. Even Su Man, she was only attracted to him for a while. He didn't make her feel as much as Mo Jue.

What if that guy cheated her feelings?

There was a trace of tyrannical murderous air below Ye Wei's eyes. She had to take Mo Jue's life for sure. There was absolutely no doubt about it. Previously at the seaside, she could shoot him without hesitation, right at the heart. Now, there were no reasons why she could not do it. Ye Wei's actions always showed her ruthlessness, leaving no mercy at all.