
Rong Yan was extremely efficient and she had somebody inform William that she requested to send them off tonight once the maidservant served dinner. When she had expected William to oppose, he actually agreed.

According to the maidservant, the prince was extremely calm.

Rong Yan raised her eyebrows. That was a miracle! She still thought that William would oppose it and not allow them to leave this quickly.

Cheng Anya went back to her room to awaken Third Young Master Ye. As Third Young Master Ye had overexerted himself throughout the night, he was extremely exhausted and flopped back into the bed without opening his eyes. Cheng Anya utterly despised him, and she wanted to learn how her child woke Third Young Master Ye up, which was by kicking him off the bed.

After she woke Third Young Master Ye up with a lot of effort, Cheng Anya slapped him on his face. "Third Young Master Ye, you are such an embarrassment. I was not as sleepy and in a daze as you."