The Most Badass Battle on the Sea

"Ning Ning…" Cheng Anya and Third Young Master Ye heard the voice and called out the young kid's name loudly. Cheng Anya was especially touched and teared. This was her darling son's voice, and her long nights of worrying about him ended when she knew that he was fine. Cheng Anya was extremely excited.

As the tender voice rang across the sky, the term 'heavenly sound' came to Cheng Anya. This was definitely a heavenly voice.

"Ning Ning…" Cheng Anya broke into tears of elation and wished she could immediately see her darling son's smiling face.

Third Young Master Ye tapped Cheng Anya's head and quietly consoled her. Now that his family of three was finally fine, he was also extremely moved yet was calm enough to face this hair-raising moment.

The once-silent night sky buzzed to life as over ten lights lie up. The helicopters which were invisible hovered in the sky and the two of them clearly saw tens of planes hovering above them.