When We Put Our Hands to the Plow, We Achieve Prosperity

After Bai Ye gave them a detailed checkup, he then separately drew their blood samples for a more complete analysis. There was an unseen somberness on his face, and the young kid had a bad premonition.

When Cheng Anya had a bacterial infection some time ago, the doctor was extremely certain that amputation was a must for her to survive. Now, Bai Ye did not even take a look and left an ironic statement before he coolly entered the lab.

It seems as though there was no medical condition in the world that could stumble Bai Ye, the genius doctor. When Chu Li was shot twenty-three times last year, Bai Ye was unfazed, calm, and demonstrated confidence that superseded himself. He was a legend in the field who shouldn't encounter anything that put him on tenterhooks.