The Early Onset of the Virus

Mo Jue slowly stood up and his slender figure, as though dipped in a shade of night, created an oppressive presence. The already cold room felt even colder and was filled with danger. The room was filled with danger and a tense yet acute oppressing feeling that seemingly dismembered everyone in it piece by piece.

As Ye Wei's smile became even more attractive, the depths of her heart were instead filled with a terrifying murderous intent along with an indescribable coldness and anger. There was also a hidden yet mixed determination that, with her smile, gave people the feeling she was like an opium poppy on the edge of a cliff.

She was beautiful yet extremely dangerous.

The two of them faced each other off, and nobody said anything. It seemed as though they were comparing whose presence was stronger. As their looks, both beautiful and dangerous, met intensely, sparks flew.

This feeling was too familiar.