Going Separate Ways

With the virus neutralized, it was time to discuss when to leave Riyadh. As Ye Wei, Eleven, and Bai Ye had previously discussed, they had to return to Rome and expedite the feud between Prince William and Chu Li.

Given that their main opponent is the Mafia, chances were that Louis was leveraging on Prince William to weaken the First Terrorist Organization and shift attention. If they were tangled in attrition with Prince William for too long, any losses would outstrip the gains made.

Bai Ye had contacted Chu Li, informing him that he would start to mobilize the international strength of the organization once he had made arrangements in Rome. The intention was to utilize the international situation to force Prince William to hunker down. With the situation having developed this far, he did not believe that William would perish with Chu Li for want of Rong Yan. Hence, this was the fastest way to resolve the problem.