Big Boss Mo Usurps Power

All was calm in City A.

As Commander Zhang fully turned up the heat on the Mafia, Third Young Master Ye, Fourth Young Master Tang, and First Young Master Lin discussed and rearranged the power spheres in the Dragon Gate. They quickly counterattacked and suppressed the Mafia's power in North America.

Their work was made much easier thanks to the international opinion being on Commander Zhang's side.

The Mafia was cornered on all fronts, akin to a lonely island besieged by many cannons. It had lost its support. With the international anti-terrorist groups intervening, the disbanding of the coalition forces meant that the threat to the First Terrorist Organization was removed.

They came together because Louis convinced them with wealth. Once they were disbanded, they observed developments from aside and did not defect to Louis' camp. Louis, as though he had lost his limbs, was alone and without support.