Let’s Get Married!

If fighting broke out again, the international opinion would be against the First Terrorist Organization. This, along with the number of nations the organization had crossed, would mean that the organization would find itself between the anvil and hammer.

The Mo brothers pulled off a masterstroke.

Ye Wei and Eleven watched each other silently. The silence, like a web, engulfed them. It was, more aptly, like chains that shackled them in this little place.

Ye Wei, having thought about it once too often, had made a decision. As the 'word' lingered along her lips, she paused before keeping it to herself.

She eventually did not say a word.

If she really wanted to kill somebody, she was not short of methods and a direct confrontation was unnecessary. However vigilant Mo Ye and Mo Jue were, they had moments of carelessness that meant a try was not impossible.
