The Wedding (Part 3)

Some cruise ship on the sea

She flexed her wrists and realized that the handcuffs were extremely tight. Her legs were also chained with long chains that ran onto the floor and seemed extremely sinister. She looked across the room with a smile. This was a decent room that was luxuriously decorated and comfortable. She secretly wondered if she would still have a comfortable nap if Louis had chained her to the side of the bed.

She was pale and had a little difficulty breathing, panting nonstop. She coldly laughed and lifted her hands to knock the hatch hard. As expected, the hatch door opened in a moment and a slender person appeared at the door and strode in.

He was svelte with golden hair and black eyes. A wave of suffocating anger emanated from him. It seemed as if he was about to destroy the world. People shook at his aura.