
City A, Zhang's residence.

The Zhang family was busy these days. Jiang Lixue had prepared a room for Ning Ning and even asked Cheng Anya about his preferences. She did her best to decorate it according to Ning Ning's preferences and put a laptop in his room immediately after knowing that he liked playing with computers. She had also asked about what Ning Ning didn't like and changed it accordingly.

Ning Ning hurriedly shook his head and secretly thought that he was being treated more than ten times better than how his own mother had treated him.

"Godmom, it's okay. This is good enough. I like it all. Don't make yourself so busy. I am not picky about what I wear and eat or where I live. I'm easy to raise." Ning Ning addressed Jiang Lixue as his godmother sweetly.